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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"“Also, relying on hundreds of evident miracles and decisive signs, foremost Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the All-Wise Qur’an, and the prophets with their luminous spirits, and the saints, who are spiritual poles with their light-filled hearts, and the purified scholars with their enlightened intellects, relying on Your repeated threats and promises in all the sacred scriptures, and trusting in Your sacred attrib..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Included here since it is related to this discussion is the testimony at the end of the Third Ray of the other pillars of faith, and particularly “the Prophets” and “Holy Scriptures,” to “belief in the Last Day.” It forms a convincing proof of resurrection, and is in the form of a powerful yet succinct supplication which dispels all doubts. It says in the supplication:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("“Also, relying on hundreds of evident miracles and decisive signs, foremost Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the All-Wise Qur’an, and the prophets with their luminous spirits, and the saints, who are spiritual poles with their light-filled hearts, and the purified scholars with their enlightened intellects, relying on Your repeated threats and promises in all the sacred scriptures, and trusting in Your sacred attrib..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
85. satır: 85. satır:
O God! For the sake of what they teach and in veneration of it, grant us and all students of the Risale-i Nur perfect belief and a happy death. And allow us to receive their intercession. Amen!
O God! For the sake of what they teach and in veneration of it, grant us and all students of the Risale-i Nur perfect belief and a happy death. And allow us to receive their intercession. Amen!

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Moreover, just as all the proofs demonstrating the  veracity of the revealed scriptures, and all the  miracles and evidences proving the prophethood of God’s Beloved (PBUH) and of all the prophets, indirectly prove the reality of the hereafter, which is what they teach above all else; so most of the evidences for the existence and unity of the Necessary Existent testify indirectly to the existence and opening up of an eternal realm of bliss, which  will be the supreme manifestation of dominicality and divinity.
Hem nasıl ki Kur’an’ın belki bütün semavî kitapların hakkaniyetini ispat eden umum deliller ve hüccetler ve Habibullah’ın belki bütün enbiyanın nübüvvetlerini ispat eden umum mu’cizeler ve bürhanlar, dolayısıyla en büyük müddeaları olan âhiretin tahakkukuna delâlet ederler. Aynen öyle de Vâcibü’l-vücud’un vücuduna ve vahdetine şehadet eden ekser deliller ve hüccetler, dolayısıyla rububiyetin ve uluhiyetin en büyük medarı ve mazharı olan dâr-ı saadetin ve âlem-i bekanın vücuduna, açılmasına şehadet ederler.

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For as is explained and proved in the following paragraphs, both the existence of the Necessarily Existent One, and most of His attributes, qualities and Names, such as dominicality, Godhead, mercy, grace, wisdom, and justice, necessitate the hereafter with the utmost certainty,  and demand an eternal realm and  the resurrection of the dead and Last Judgement for the granting of reward and punishment.
Çünkü gelecek makamatta beyan ve ispat edileceği gibi; Zat-ı Vâcibü’l-vücud’un hem mevcudiyeti hem umum sıfatları hem ekser isimleri hem rububiyet, uluhiyet, rahmet, inayet, hikmet, adalet gibi vasıfları, şe’nleri lüzum derecesinde âhireti iktiza ve vücub derecesinde bâki bir âlemi istilzam ve zaruret derecesinde mükâfat ve mücazat için haşri ve neşri isterler.

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Since there is a pre-eternal and post-eternal God, most  certainly there is the hereafter, the everlasting sphere of the sovereignty of His Godhead. And since there is in the universe and in living beings a most majestic and wise, a most compassionate and absolute dominicality, and it is apparent; there is certain to be an eternal realm of happiness which will save the majesty of that dominicality from abasement, its  wisdom from purposelessness, and its compassion from cruelty; and that realm shall be entered.
Evet, madem ezelî ve ebedî bir Allah var; elbette saltanat-ı uluhiyetinin sermedî bir medarı olan âhiret vardır. Ve madem bu kâinatta ve zîhayatta gayet haşmetli ve hikmetli ve şefkatli bir rububiyet-i mutlaka var ve görünüyor. Elbette o rububiyetin haşmetini sukuttan ve hikmetini abesiyetten ve şefkatini gadirden kurtaran, ebedî bir dâr-ı saadet bulunacak ve girilecek.

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And since the unlimited bestowals, bounties, favours, gifts, and instances of grace and mercy which are to be seen, show to minds that are not extinguished and hearts that are not dead that behind the veil of the Unseen is One All-Merciful  and Compassionate; surely there is an immortal life in an eternal realm which will save the bestowal from mockery,  the bounties from deception, the favours from enmity, the mercy from torment, the grace and  gifts from treachery, and will make the bounties bounty and the bestowal bestowal.
Hem madem göz ile görünen bu hadsiz in’amlar, ihsanlar, lütuflar, keremler, inayetler, rahmetler; perde-i gayb arkasında bir Zat-ı Rahman-ı Rahîm’in bulunduğunu sönmemiş akıllara, ölmemiş kalplere gösterir. Elbette in’amı istihzadan ve ihsanı aldatmaktan ve inayeti adâvetten ve rahmeti azaptan ve lütf u keremi ihanetten halâs eden ve ihsanı ihsan eden ve nimeti nimet eden, bir âlem-i bâkide bir hayat-ı bâkiye var ve olacaktır.

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And since in the springtime  on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;— since He mentions the book in all his decrees;  certainly, the main part of the book has been written, and with the resurrection and Last Judgement its footnotes shall be added, and all the notebooks of people’s actions shall be recorded in it.
Hem madem bahar faslında zeminin dar sahifesinde hatasız yüz bin kitabı birbiri içinde yazan bir kalem-i kudret gözümüz önünde yorulmadan işliyor. Ve o kalem sahibi yüz bin defa ahd ve vaad etmiş ki: “Bu dar yerde ve karışık ve birbiri içinde yazılan bahar kitabından daha kolay olarak geniş bir yerde güzel ve lâyemut bir kitabı yazacağım ve size okutturacağım.diye bütün fermanlarda o kitaptan bahsediyor. Elbette ve herhalde o kitabın aslı yazılmış ve haşir ve neşir ile hâşiyeleri de yazılacak ve umumun defter-i a’malleri onda kaydedilecek.

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And since, with its multiplicity of creatures, the earth is the dwelling, source, factory, exhibition, and gathering place of hundreds of thousands of  constantly changing species of living beings and beings with spirits, and is the heart, centre, summary, and result of the universe, and the reason for its creation; it has supreme importance, and is held equal to the mighty heavens despite its smallness; in the  heavenly decrees, it is always said: Sustainer  of the Heavens and Earth...
Hem madem bu arz, kesret-i mahlukat cihetiyle ve mütemadiyen değişen yüz binler çeşit çeşit enva-ı zevi’l-hayat ve zevi’l-ervahın meskeni, menşei, fabrikası, meşheri, mahşeri olması haysiyetiyle bu kâinatın kalbi, merkezi, hülâsası, neticesi, sebeb-i hilkati olarak gayet büyük öyle bir ehemmiyeti var ki küçüklüğüyle beraber koca semavata karşı denk tutulmuş. Semavî fermanlarda daima رَبُّ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَ ال۟اَر۟ضِ deniliyor.

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And since there is man, who rules over the earth, which is thus, has disposal over most  creatures, and subjects most living beings gathering them around himself; and since he so orders, displays, and gathers each remarkable species together in one place like a list, adorning them, that he attracts not only the attention and admiration of men and jinn, but of the dwellers of the heavens and the universe, and the appreciative gaze of the universe’s Owner, thus gaining great importance and high worth; and since he shows through his sciences and arts that he is the purpose of the universe’s creation, and its most important result, and most precious fruit,  and the Divine vicegerent on earth; and since  because with respect  to  this world,  he has  ordered and displayed excellently the miraculous arts of the world’s Maker, he is left in this world despite his rebellion and disbelief, and his punishment is postponed, and because of this work of his, his term is prolonged and is allowed success...
Ve madem bu mahiyetteki arzın her tarafına hükmeden ve ekser mahlukatına tasarruf eden ve ekser zîhayat mevcudatını teshir edip kendi etrafına toplattıran ve ekser masnuatını kendi hevesatının hendesesiyle ve ihtiyacatının düsturlarıyla öyle güzelce tanzim ve teşhir ve tezyin ve çok antika nevilerini liste gibi birer yerlerde öyle toplayıp süslettirir ki değil yalnız ins ve cin nazarlarını, belki semavat ehlinin ve kâinatın nazar-ı dikkatlerini ve takdirlerini ve kâinat sahibinin nazar-ı istihsanını celbetmekle gayet büyük bir ehemmiyet ve kıymet alan ve bu haysiyetle bu kâinatın hikmet-i hilkati ve büyük neticesi ve kıymetli meyvesi ve arzın halifesi olduğunu fenleriyle, sanatlarıyla gösteren ve dünya cihetinde Sâni’-i âlem’in mu’cizeli sanatlarını gayet güzelce teşhir ve tanzim ettiği için isyan ve küfrüyle beraber dünyada bırakılan ve azabı tehir edilen ve bu hizmeti için imhal edilip muvaffakiyet gören nev-i benî-Âdem var.

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