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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"“And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetti..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty- four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods and passing through the seasons on its journey and filli..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("“And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetti..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
150. satır: 150. satır:
In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty- four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods  and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, —by means of the measure or scale of the science of economics which you study— this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.
In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty- four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods  and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, —by means of the measure or scale of the science of economics which you study— this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.

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“And, for example, let us imagine an army which  consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each  nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetting or confusing any of them, then surely the army and camp show the commander and make him loved appreciatively.
Hem nasıl ki dört yüz bin millet içinde bulunan ve her milletin istediği erzakı ayrı ve istimal ettiği silahı ayrı ve giydiği elbisesi ayrı ve talimatı ayrı ve terhisatı ayrı olan bir ordunun mu’cizekâr bir kumandanı, tek başıyla bütün o ayrı ayrı milletlerin ayrı ayrı erzaklarını ve çeşit çeşit eslihalarını ve elbiselerini ve cihazatlarını, hiçbirini unutmayarak ve şaşırmayarak verdiği o acib ordu ve ordugâh, şüphesiz bedahetle o hârika kumandanı gösterir, takdirkârane sevdirir.

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