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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Another:''' Everyone tries earnestly to preserve through writing, poetry, or even the cinema, a worthwhile saying or deed, in order to immortalize it. Particularly if the deeds produce everlasting fruits in Paradise, they are even more anxious to preserve them. The recording angels hovering over men’s shoulders so that they may show their deeds in eternal vistas and continually gain their owners reward, seemed so agreeable to me, I cannot describe it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''One of these:''' One day while reciting in a supplication: “O My Sustainer! In veneration of Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azra’il, and through their intercession, preserve me from the evil of men and jinn,” I experienced an exceedingly pleasant and consoling state of mind on mentioning the name of Azra’il, which generally makes people tremble in fear. “All praise be to God!” I exlaimed, and began to feel earnest love for him. I shall po..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("'''Another:''' Everyone tries earnestly to preserve through writing, poetry, or even the cinema, a worthwhile saying or deed, in order to immortalize it. Particularly if the deeds produce everlasting fruits in Paradise, they are even more anxious to preserve them. The recording angels hovering over men’s shoulders so that they may show their deeds in eternal vistas and continually gain their owners reward, seemed so agreeable to me, I cannot describe it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
729. satır: 729. satır:
Yes, sometimes in the face of a single vandal trying to set fire to a palace which a hundred men have made, the palace can remain standing only through a hundred men protecting it and by having recourse to the government and the king. For its existence is possible  only through  the existence of all its conditions and causes, but its non- existence and destruction may occur through the non-existence of a single condition. Just as the palace may be burnt to the ground by a layabout with a single match, so with some small actions, satans from among jinn and men cause vast destruction and terrible non-physical conflagrations.
Yes, sometimes in the face of a single vandal trying to set fire to a palace which a hundred men have made, the palace can remain standing only through a hundred men protecting it and by having recourse to the government and the king. For its existence is possible  only through  the existence of all its conditions and causes, but its non- existence and destruction may occur through the non-existence of a single condition. Just as the palace may be burnt to the ground by a layabout with a single match, so with some small actions, satans from among jinn and men cause vast destruction and terrible non-physical conflagrations.

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Yes, the basis and origin of all bad, evils and sins is non-existence, it is destruction. The non-existence and  destruction are concealed beneath apparent existence.
Evet, bütün fenalıklar ve günahlar ve şerlerin mâyesi ve esasları ademdir, tahriptir. Sureten vücudun altında, adem ve bozmak saklıdır.

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Thus, relying on this point, satans from among jinn and men and evil beings withstand an infinite force with an extremely weak force, driving the people of truth and reality to continually seek refuge at the Divine Court, and to flee to it. The Qur’an therefore mobilizes great forces for their protection. It gives for their use  ninety-nine Divine Names, and commands them sternly to withstand those enemies.
İşte cinnî ve insî şeytanlar ve şerirler, bu noktaya istinaden gayet zayıf bir kuvvetle hadsiz bir kuvvete karşı dayanıp, ehl-i hak ve hakikati Cenab-ı Hakk’ın dergâhına ilticaya ve kaçmaya her vakit mecbur ettiğinden, Kur’an onları himaye için büyük tahşidat yapar. Doksan dokuz esma-i İlahiyeyi onların ellerine verir. O düşmanlara karşı sebat etmelerine çok şiddetli emirler verir.

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