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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"A medrese student who was studying Arabic grammar died and in replying to Munkar and Nakir’s question of “Who is your Sustainer?”, thought he was in his own medrese and said: “‘Who’ is the subject, ‘your Sustainer’ is its predicate; ask me something difficult; that’s easy.” It made both the angels, and the spirits who were present, and a diviner of graves who witnessed the incident, laugh, and brought a smile to Divine mercy. Bei..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("in my imagination I entered my grave, telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that si..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("A medrese student who was studying Arabic grammar died and in replying to Munkar and Nakir’s question of “Who is your Sustainer?”, thought he was in his own medrese and said: “‘Who’ is the subject, ‘your Sustainer’ is its predicate; ask me something difficult; that’s easy.” It made both the angels, and the spirits who were present, and a diviner of graves who witnessed the incident, laugh, and brought a smile to Divine mercy. Bei..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
741. satır: 741. satır:
in my imagination I entered my grave,  telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at  the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that situation which I saw in the imagination then, and will see in reality in the future, and I offered thanks.
in my imagination I entered my grave,  telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at  the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that situation which I saw in the imagination then, and will see in reality in the future, and I offered thanks.

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A medrese student who was studying Arabic grammar died and in replying to Munkar and Nakir’s question of “Who is your Sustainer?”, thought he was in his own medrese and  said: “‘Who’ is the subject, ‘your Sustainer’  is its predicate; ask me something difficult; that’s easy.” It made both the angels, and the spirits who were present, and a diviner of graves who witnessed the incident, laugh, and brought a smile to Divine mercy. Being delivered from torment, the late Hafiz Ali, a martyr hero of the Risale-i Nur, died in prison while writing out and enthusiastically studying the treatise of The Fruits of Belief. Just as he replied in the grave to the questioning angels with the truths of The Fruits of Belief —as he had in court here—, so I and the Risale-i Nur students shall reply to those questions with the brilliant and  powerful proofs of the Risale-i Nur, in the future in fact and now in meaning, and will cause  the angels to confirm them and appreciate them and congratulate them; God willing.
Sarf ve nahiv ilmini okuyan bir medrese talebesinin vefat edip, kabirde Münker ve Nekir’in مَن رَبُّكَ “Senin Rabb’in kimdir?” diye suallerine karşı, kendini medresede zannedip nahiv ilmi ile cevap vererek: “مَن ۟ mübtedadır, رَبُّكَ onun haberidir; müşkül bir meseleyi benden sorunuz, bu kolaydır.” diyerek hem o melâikeleri hem hazır ruhları hem o vakıayı müşahede eden orada bulunan bir keşfe’l-kubur velisini güldürdü ve rahmet-i İlahiyeyi tebessüme getirdi, azaptan kurtulduğu gibi; Risale-i Nur’un bir şehit kahramanı olan merhum Hâfız Ali, hapiste Meyve Risalesi’ni kemal-i aşkla yazarken ve okurken vefat edip kabirde melâike-i suale mahkemedeki gibi Meyve hakikatleri ile cevap verdiği misillü; ben de ve Risale-i Nur şakirdleri de o suallere karşı Risale-i Nur’un parlak ve kuvvetli hüccetleriyle istikbalde hakikaten ve şimdi manen cevap verip onları tasdike ve tahsine ve tebrike sevk edecekler, inşâallah.

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Another small example of belief in the angels leading to worldly happiness is this:
'''Hem meleklere imanın saadet-i dünyeviyeye medar cüz’î bir numunesi şudur ki:'''

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