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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, there are two causes for our having been set this severe trial, the purpose of which is to separate out the diamonds from the pieces of glass, the veracious devotees from the inconstant waverers, and the purely sincere from those unable to give up their egotism and self-interest:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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("Thus, there are two causes for our having been set this severe trial, the purpose of which is to separate out the diamonds from the pieces of glass, the veracious devotees from the inconstant waverers, and the purely sincere from those unable to give up their egotism and self-interest:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
127. satır: 127. satır:
one is apparent; people base their judgements on this and frequently act unjustly.
one is apparent; people base their judgements on this and frequently act unjustly.

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The other is reality, according to which Divine Determining judges; it acts with justice in the events in which man acted unjustly. For example, a man is  sent to prison for a theft he did not commit. Divine Determining also sentences him to imprisonment, but for a secret crime, and acts justly within the human injustice.
'''Biri de hakikidir''' ki kader-i İlahî ona göre hükmeder, o aynı hâdisede beşer zulmünün altında adalet eder. Mesela bir adam, yapmadığı bir sirkat ile zulmen hapse atılır. Fakat gizli bir cinayetine binaen, kader dahi hapsine hüküm verir, aynı zulm-ü beşer içinde adalet eder.

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Thus, there are two causes for our having been set this severe trial, the purpose of which is to separate out the diamonds from the pieces of glass, the veracious  devotees from the inconstant  waverers, and the purely sincere from those unable to give up their egotism and self-interest:
İşte bu meselemizde elmaslar, şişelerden; sıddık fedakârlar, mütereddid sebatsızlardan; ve hâlis muhlisler, benlik ve menfaatini bırakmayanlardan ayrılmak için bu şiddetli imtihana girmemizin iki sebebi var:

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