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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Since you have attached yourselves to the Risale-i Nur for the hereafter, and for good works, and worship and reward, and for belief and your lives in the hereafter, it is surely necessary to offer thanks for your being here to meet your fate and eat the sustenance appointed to you and earn reward for it. These have been determined by Divine Determining in this School of Joseph, an arena of trial in which each hour in its severe conditions is the equiva..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===My Dear, Loyal Brothers!===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Since you have attached yourselves to the Risale-i Nur for the hereafter, and for good works, and worship and reward, and for belief and your lives in the hereafter, it is surely necessary to offer thanks for your being here to meet your fate and eat the sustenance appointed to you and earn reward for it. These have been determined by Divine Determining in this School of Joseph, an arena of trial in which each hour in its severe conditions is the equiva..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
290. satır: 290. satır:
===My Dear, Loyal Brothers!===
===My Dear, Loyal Brothers!===

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Since you have attached yourselves to the Risale-i Nur for the hereafter, and for good works, and worship and reward, and for belief and your lives in the hereafter, it is surely necessary to offer thanks for your being here to meet your fate and eat the sustenance  appointed to you and earn reward for it. These have been determined by Divine Determining in this School of Joseph, an arena of trial in which each hour in its severe conditions is the equivalent of twenty hours’ worship. Since those twenty hours are a striving in the service of the Qur’an and belief, they have the value of a hundred hours. And those hundred hours  consist of meeting  with  true brothers, who are striving on God’s way, each of which have the importance of a hundred people, and to pledging your  brotherhood, and strengthening them and receiving  strength, and consoling them and receiving consolation, and steadfastly persisting in this sacred service in true solidarity, and profiting from their fine qualities, and acquiring worthiness to be students of the Medresetü’z-Zehra. It is necessary to think  of  all these benefits in the face of all the hardships, and to respond to them with patient endurance.
Madem âhiret için hayır için ibadet ve sevap için iman ve Kur’an için Risale-i Nur ile bağlanmışsınız. Elbette bu ağır şerait altında her bir saati yirmi saat ibadet hükmünde ve o yirmi saat ise Kur’an ve iman hizmetindeki mücahede-i maneviye haysiyetiyle yüz saat kadar kıymettar ve yüz saat ise böyle her biri yüz adam kadar ehemmiyetli olan hakiki mücahid kardeşler ile görüşmek ve akd-i uhuvvet etmek, kuvvet vermek ve almak ve teselli etmek ve müteselli olmak ve hakiki bir tesanüdle kudsî hizmete sebatkârane devam etmek ve güzel seciyelerinden istifade etmek ve Medresetü’z-Zehranın şakirdliğine liyakat kazanmak için açılan bu imtihan meclisi olan şu Medrese-i Yusufiyede tayinini ve kaderce takdir edilen kısmetini almak ve mukadder rızkını yemek ve o yemekte sevap kazanmak için buraya gelmenize şükretmek lâzımdır. Bütün sıkıntılara karşı mezkûr faydaları düşünüp sabır ve tahammülle mukabele etmek gerektir.

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