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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If the short letters written before to console you, like this one, are read and studied together with the last parts of The Fruits of Belief, and any matters of the Risale-i Nur that occur to you are discussed, God willing it will gain for you the honour of being ‘students of the religious sciences.’ Pre-eminent figures like Imam Shafi‘i (May his mystery be sanctified) attached the greatest importance to this, saying “the sleep even of students..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===My Brothers!===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If the short letters written before to console you, like this one, are read and studied together with the last parts of The Fruits of Belief, and any matters of the Risale-i Nur that occur to you are discussed, God willing it will gain for you the honour of being ‘students of the religious sciences.’ Pre-eminent figures like Imam Shafi‘i (May his mystery be sanctified) attached the greatest importance to this, saying “the sleep even of students..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
342. satır: 342. satır:
===My Brothers!===
===My Brothers!===

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If the short letters written before to console you, like this one, are read and studied together with the last parts of The Fruits of Belief, and any matters of the Risale-i Nur that occur to you are discussed, God willing it will gain for you the honour of being  ‘students of the religious sciences.’ Pre-eminent figures like Imam Shafi‘i (May his mystery be sanctified) attached the greatest importance to this, saying “the sleep even of students of the sciences is counted as worship.” If at this time of no religious schools, a hundred difficulties are suffered in these places of torment due to being such elevated students, no importance should be given to them, or else, saying “The best matters are the most difficult,” we should smile happily at those hardships.
Bunun gibi teselliye dair evvelce yazılan küçük mektuplar ara sıra okunsa ve Meyve’nin hususan âhirleri beraber mütalaa edilse ve hatıra gelen Risale-i Nur’un meseleleri müzakere olsa inşâallah talebe-i ulûmun şerefini kazandırır. İmam-ı Şafiî (ks) gibi büyük zatlar “Talebe-i ulûmun hattâ uykusu dahi ibadet sayılır.” diye ziyade ehemmiyet vermişler. Böyle medresesiz bir zamanda, böyle azap yerlerde, böyle yüksek talebelik yüzünden yüz sıkıntı da olsa aldırmamalı veyahut خَي۟رُ ال۟اُمُورِ اَح۟مَزُهَا deyip o meşakkatler yüzünden ferahla gülmeliyiz.

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