İçeriğe atla

On Birinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"==FOURTH TOPIC== And to the mother, a sixth.(4:11)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Like this one, all Qur’anic rulings confirm the decree, And we did not send you but as a Mercy to all the worlds.(21:107)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("==FOURTH TOPIC== And to the mother, a sixth.(4:11)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
35. satır: 35. satır:
And we did not send you but as a Mercy to all the worlds.(21:107)
And we did not send you but as a Mercy to all the worlds.(21:107)

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== Dördüncü Mesele ==
And to the mother, a sixth.(4:11)
فَلِاُمِّهِ السُّدُسُ

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