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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Second:''' As we have explained in many of the Words, in regard to their faces which look to themselves, all things are nothing. They do not possess existences that are of themselves independent or constant, and they do not possess realities that subsist of themselves. But in regard to their aspects that look to Almighty God, that is, that signify a meaning other than themselves, they are not nothing. For in that aspect are to be seen the manifest..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In which case, to go to extinction is to be temporarily divested of external dress and to enter upon existence in divine knowledge, existence in meaning. That is to say, transitory, ephemeral beings leave external existence and their essences are clothed in what has the meaning of existence; they pass from the sphere of divine power to that of divine knowledge." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("'''The Second:''' As we have explained in many of the Words, in regard to their faces which look to themselves, all things are nothing. They do not possess existences that are of themselves independent or constant, and they do not possess realities that subsist of themselves. But in regard to their aspects that look to Almighty God, that is, that signify a meaning other than themselves, they are not nothing. For in that aspect are to be seen the manifest..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
164. satır: 164. satır:
In which case, to go to extinction is to be temporarily divested of external dress and to enter upon existence in divine knowledge, existence in meaning. That is to say, transitory, ephemeral beings leave external existence and  their essences are clothed in what has the meaning of existence; they pass from the sphere  of  divine power to that of divine knowledge.
In which case, to go to extinction is to be temporarily divested of external dress and to enter upon existence in divine knowledge, existence in meaning. That is to say, transitory, ephemeral beings leave external existence and  their essences are clothed in what has the meaning of existence; they pass from the sphere  of  divine power to that of divine knowledge.

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'''The Second:''' As we have explained in many of the Words, in regard to their faces which look to themselves, all things are nothing. They do not possess existences that are of themselves independent or constant, and they do not possess realities that subsist of themselves. But in regard to their aspects that look to Almighty God, that is, that signify a meaning other than themselves, they are not nothing. For in that aspect are to be seen the manifestations of eternal names. That aspect is not doomed for non- existence, for it bears the shadow of an eternal existent. It has a reality, it is constant, and it is elevated. For it is a sort  of constant shadow of the eternal name which it manifests.
'''İkincisi:''' Çok Sözlerde izah ettiğimiz gibi: Her şey, mana-yı ismiyle ve kendine bakan vecihte hiçtir. Kendi zatında müstakil ve bizatihî sabit bir vücudu yok. Ve yalnız kendi başıyla kaim bir hakikati yok. Fakat Cenab-ı Hakk’a bakan vecihte ise yani mana-yı harfiyle olsa hiç değil. Çünkü onda cilvesi görünen esma-i bâkiye var. Ma’dum değil, çünkü sermedî bir vücudun gölgesini taşıyor. Hakikati vardır, sabittir hem yüksektir. Çünkü mazhar olduğu bâki bir ismin sabit bir nevi gölgesidir.

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