İçeriğe atla

On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If their intention in slandering me, belittling me in the eyes of the people, and defaming me is aimed at the truths of belief and the Qur’an of which I am the interpreter, it is pointless. For a veil cannot be drawn over the stars of the Qur’an. A person who closes his eyes only himself does not see; he does not make it night for anyone else." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The answer to a number of suspicious questions:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If their intention in slandering me, belittling me in the eyes of the people, and defaming me is aimed at the truths of belief and the Qur’an of which I am the interpreter, it is pointless. For a veil cannot be drawn over the stars of the Qur’an. A person who closes his eyes only himself does not see; he does not make it night for anyone else." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
93. satır: 93. satır:
The worldly say to me: “How do you live? What do you live on since you do not work? We don’t want people in our country who sit around idly and live off the labour of others.”
The worldly say to me: “How do you live? What do you live on since you do not work? We don’t want people in our country who sit around idly and live off the labour of others.”

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'''The Answer:''' I live through frugality and the resulting plenty. I am not obliged  to anyone other than the One who Provides for me and I have taken the decision not to become indebted to anyone else. Yes, someone who lives on a hundred para, or even forty para, does not become indebted to anyone. I do not want to explain this matter. To do so is most disagreeable to me, as it may make me feel a sort of pride or egotism. But since the  worldly ask about it suspiciously, I reply as follows:
'''Elcevap:''' Ben iktisat ve bereketle yaşıyorum. Rezzakımdan başka kimsenin minnetini almıyorum ve almamaya da karar vermişim. Evet, günde yüz para, belki kırk para ile yaşayan bir adam, başkasının minnetini almaz. Şu meselenin izahını hiç arzu etmiyordum. Belki bir gururu ve bir enaniyeti ihsas eder fikriyle, beyan etmek bana pek nâhoştur. Fakat madem ehl-i dünya evhamlı bir surette soruyorlar, ben de derim ki:

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since my childhood, throughout my  life,  it has been one of my guiding principles not to accept anything from people, even zakat, and not to accept a salary – only I was compelled to accept one for one or two years in the  Darü’l-Hikmeti’l- Islamiye on the insistence of my friends – and not to become obliged to people for a worldly livelihood. The people of my native region and those who have known me in other places know this. During these five years of exile, many friends have tried earnestly to make me accept their gifts, but I have accepted none of them.
Küçüklüğümden beri halkların malını kabul etmemek –velev zekât dahi olsa– hem maaşı kabul etmemek –yalnız bir iki sene Dârülhikmeti’l-İslâmiyede dostlarımın icbarıyla kabul etmeye mecbur oldum ve o parayı da manen millete iade ettik– hem maişet-i dünyeviye için minnet altına girmemek, bütün ömrümde bir düstur-u hayatımdır. Ehl-i memleketim ve başka yerlerde beni tanıyanlar bunu biliyorlar. Bu beş seneki nefyimde, çok dostlar bana hediyelerini kabul ettirmek için çok çalıştılar, kabul etmedim.

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