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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no opportunity to cause harm and to assist those who are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Since this is so, for the time being I cannot be saved from this distress. If I apply to the worldly, divine determining would say: “Hypocrite! Pay the penalty for applying!” And if I do not apply, the worldly say: “You don’t recognize us, go on suffering difficulties!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no opportunity to cause harm and to assist those who are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
269. satır: 269. satır:
Since this is so, for the time being I cannot be saved from this distress. If I apply to the worldly, divine determining would say: “Hypocrite! Pay the penalty for applying!” And if I do not apply, the  worldly say: “You don’t recognize us, go on suffering difficulties!”
Since this is so, for the time being I cannot be saved from this distress. If I apply to the worldly, divine determining would say: “Hypocrite! Pay the penalty for applying!” And if I do not apply, the  worldly say: “You don’t recognize us, go on suffering difficulties!”

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'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no  opportunity to  cause harm  and  to  assist  those who  are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been to me for  a  long time previously. He caused the sincere unfortunate who was listening to be deprived of the instruction, and made me angry. But there were other people there, and he gave them no importance. Then when they acted discourteously in a way that would poison the life of the village, he started to be gracious and appreciative towards them.
'''Yedinci Sebep:''' Malûmdur ki bir memurun vazifesi, heyet-i içtimaiyeye muzır eşhasa meydan vermemek ve nâfi’lere yardım etmektir. Halbuki beni nezaret altına alan memur, kabir kapısına gelen misafir bir ihtiyar adama “Lâ ilahe illallah”taki imanın latîf bir zevkini izah ettiğim vakit –bir cürm-ü meşhud halinde beni yakalamak gibi– çok zaman yanıma gelmediği halde, o vakit güya bir kabahat işliyorum gibi yanıma geldi. İhlas ile dinleyen o bîçareyi de mahrum bıraktı, beni de hiddete getirdi. Halbuki burada bazı adamlar vardı, o onlara ehemmiyet vermiyordu. Sonra edepsizliklerde ve köydeki hayat-ı içtimaiyeye zehir verecek surette bulundukları vakit, onlara iltifat etmeye ve takdir etmeye başladı.

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