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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Furthermore, it is well-known that someone in prison who has committed a hundred crimes can meet with the official supervising him whether he be of high rank or low. But during this last year, although two people important in the eyes of the national government who were charged with supervising me have passed by my house several times, they have absolutely neither met with me nor asked after me. At first I supposed that they avoided me out of enm..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no opportunity to cause harm and to assist those who are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Furthermore, it is well-known that someone in prison who has committed a hundred crimes can meet with the official supervising him whether he be of high rank or low. But during this last year, although two people important in the eyes of the national government who were charged with supervising me have passed by my house several times, they have absolutely neither met with me nor asked after me. At first I supposed that they avoided me out of enm..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
271. satır: 271. satır:
'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no  opportunity to  cause harm  and  to  assist  those who  are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been to me for  a  long time previously. He caused the sincere unfortunate who was listening to be deprived of the instruction, and made me angry. But there were other people there, and he gave them no importance. Then when they acted discourteously in a way that would poison the life of the village, he started to be gracious and appreciative towards them.
'''The Seventh Reason:''' It is well-known that the official’s duty is to allow harmful individuals no  opportunity to  cause harm  and  to  assist  those who  are beneficial. Whereas the official who took me into custody approached me, an elderly guest at the door of the grave, when I was expounding a subtle aspect of belief contained in the phrase “There is no god but God,” as though I were perpetrating some misdemeanour, although he had not been to me for  a  long time previously. He caused the sincere unfortunate who was listening to be deprived of the instruction, and made me angry. But there were other people there, and he gave them no importance. Then when they acted discourteously in a way that would poison the life of the village, he started to be gracious and appreciative towards them.

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Furthermore, it is well-known that someone in prison  who has committed a hundred crimes can meet with the official supervising him whether he be of high rank or low. But during  this last year, although two people important in the eyes of the national government  who  were charged  with supervising me  have  passed  by my house several times, they have absolutely neither met with me nor asked after me. At first I supposed that they avoided me out of enmity, then it transpired that it was due to their fearful suspicions; they were fleeing from me as though as I were going to gobble them up.
Hem malûmdur ki: Zindanda yüz cinayeti bulunan bir adam, nezarete memur zabit olsun, nefer olsun, her zaman onlarla görüşebilir. Halbuki bir senedir hem âmir hem nezarete memur hükûmet-i milliyece iki mühim zat kaç defa odamın yanından geçtikleri halde, kat’â ve aslâ ne benim ile görüştüler ve ne de halimi sordular. Ben evvel zannettim ki adâvetlerinden yanaşmıyorlar. Sonra tahakkuk etti ki evhamlarından… Güya ben onları yutacağım gibi kaçıyorlar.

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