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"===Second Principle===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For the wisdom in man’s trial and accountability necessitates that the way be shown to him without depriving him of his will; the door has to be opened to his intelligence without snatching its freedom from its hand." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===Second Principle===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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For the wisdom in man’s trial and accountability necessitates that the way be shown to him without depriving him of his will; the door has to be opened to his intelligence without snatching its freedom from its hand.
For the wisdom in man’s trial and accountability necessitates that the way be shown to him without depriving him of his will; the door has to be opened to his intelligence without snatching its freedom from its hand.

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If the Messenger’s (UWBP) miracles had occurred in so apparent a way, intelligence would  have had no choice; Abu Jahl would have believed as did Abu Bakr; coal would have had the value of diamonds, and no purpose would have remained for testing and accountability.
Cây-ı hayrettir ki Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın mübalağasız binler vecihte binler çeşit insan, her biri bir tek mu’cizesiyle veya bir delil-i nübüvvet ile veya bir kelâmı ile veya yüzünü görmesiyle ve hâkeza birer alâmetiyle iman getirdikleri halde, bütün bu binler ayrı ayrı insanları ve müdakkik mütefekkirleri imana getiren bütün o binler delail-i nübüvveti, nakl-i sahih ile ve âsâr-ı kat’iye ile şimdiki bedbaht bir kısım insanlara kâfi gelmiyor gibi dalalete sapıyorlar.
It is a source of amazement that while thousands of men of different character came to believe through observing a single of his miracles, a single proof of his prophethood, or a word of his, or through merely seeing his face, some wretches are nowadays going astray as if those thousands of proofs of his prophethood were not sufficient evidence, although  they have come down to us through authentic transmission and with certain proofs, and have caused many thousands of exacting scholars and thinkers and different men to accept faith.

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===Second Principle===

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