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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Nevertheless, the most important side of the matter is this: non-acceptance is one thing, while the acceptance of non-being is another.Ecstatics and recluses or those who have not heard or are uninformed about it, do not know the Prophet (UWBP) or they do not think of him that they might accept him. They are ignorant in that respect. They know “There is no god but God” only in respect of esoteric knowledge of Him. They may well be saved." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And it sometimes happens that they do not know the Prophet (UWBP), but the road they have taken is part of his highway." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Nevertheless, the most important side of the matter is this: non-acceptance is one thing, while the acceptance of non-being is another.Ecstatics and recluses or those who have not heard or are uninformed about it, do not know the Prophet (UWBP) or they do not think of him that they might accept him. They are ignorant in that respect. They know “There is no god but God” only in respect of esoteric knowledge of Him. They may well be saved." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
456. satır: 456. satır:
It happens too that because they are in a state of ecstasy or entirely immersed in contemplation or have withdrawn from the world, they do not think of the highway of Muhammad, and “There is no god but God” is sufficient for them.
It happens too that because they are in a state of ecstasy or entirely immersed in contemplation or have withdrawn from the world, they do not think of the highway of Muhammad, and “There is no god but God” is sufficient for them.

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Nevertheless, the most important side of the matter is this: non-acceptance is one thing, while the acceptance of non-being is another.Ecstatics and recluses or those who have not heard or are uninformed about it, do not know the Prophet (UWBP) or they do not think of him that they might accept him. They are ignorant  in that respect. They know “There is no god but God” only in respect of esoteric knowledge of Him. They may well be saved.
Fakat bununla beraber, en mühim bir cihet budur ki: “adem-i kabul” başkadır “kabul-ü adem” başkadır. Bu çeşit ehl-i cezbe ve ehl-i uzlet veya işitmeyen veya bilmeyen adamlar, Peygamber’i bilmiyorlar veya düşünmüyorlar ki kabul etsinler. O noktada cahil kalıyorlar. Marifet-i İlahiyeye karşı, yalnız لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ biliyorlar. Bunlar ehl-i necat olabilirler.

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