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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"===The First is the FIFTH SIGN,=== and is a very brief answer to an important question:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("“A revolution like that came about in the Christian religion. At first the revolutionaries were called apostates, then later they were again accepted as Christians. So why shouldn’t there be a similar religious revolution in Islam?”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("===The First is the FIFTH SIGN,=== and is a very brief answer to an important question:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
865. satır: 865. satır:
Almighty God fills and empties the world between the heavens and earth with clouds, and in an instant stills the storms of the sea, and in an hour in spring creates samples of the summer and in an hour in summer creates a winter storm. Such  an All-Powerful One of Glory can also scatter the darkness covering the World of Islam by means of the Mahdi. He has promised this and certainly He will carry out His promise.
Almighty God fills and empties the world between the heavens and earth with clouds, and in an instant stills the storms of the sea, and in an hour in spring creates samples of the summer and in an hour in summer creates a winter storm. Such  an All-Powerful One of Glory can also scatter the darkness covering the World of Islam by means of the Mahdi. He has promised this and certainly He will carry out His promise.

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If considered from the point of view of divine power, it is most easy. And if thought  of  from  the  point  of  view  of causes  and  divine  wisdom,  it  is  again  so reasonable  and necessary that thinkers  have asserted that even if it had  not been narrated from the Bringer of Sure News (UWBP), it still should be thus. And it will be. It is like this: All praise be to God, the prayer, “O God, grant blessings to our master Muhammad  and  to  the Family of our master Muhammad, as  you  granted blessings to Abraham and to the Family of Abraham, in all the world; indeed You are worthy of all praise, exalted!,” which is repeated by the Muslim community five times every day in all the obligatory prayers, has self-evidently been accepted. For like the Family of Abraham (Upon whom be peace), the  members of Muhammad’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) Family stand as commanders at the heads of all blessed chains of spiritual authorities in the assemblies of all the regions of the world in all centuries.(*<ref>*Just one of them is Sayyid Ahmad al-Sanusi, who commands millions of followers. Another is Sayyid Idrês, who commands more than one hundred thousand. Another Sayyid, Sayyid Yahya, commands hundreds of thousands of men. And so on. Just as among the members of this tribe of Sayyids there are numerous outward commanders, so too there are the champions of spiritual heroes, like Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qadir Gilani, Sayyid Abu’l-Hasan al-Shazali, and Sayyid Ahmad Badawi.</ref>)They are so numerous that together they form a mighty army.
Kudret-i İlahiye noktasında bakılsa gayet kolaydır. Eğer daire-i esbab ve hikmet-i Rabbaniye noktasında düşünülse yine o kadar makul ve vukua lâyıktır ki eğer Muhbir-i Sadık’tan rivayet olmazsa dahi herhalde öyle olmak lâzım gelir ve olacaktır, diye ehl-i tefekkür hükmeder. Şöyle ki: Felillahi’l-hamd اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّم۟ عَلٰى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلٰى اٰلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّي۟تَ عَلٰى اِب۟رَاهٖيمَ وَ عَلٰى اٰلِ اِب۟رَاهٖيمَ فِى ال۟عَالَمٖينَ اِنَّكَ حَمٖيدٌ مَجٖيدٌ duası –umum ümmet, umum namazında, günde beş defa tekrar ettikleri bu dua– bilmüşahede makbul olmuştur ki Âl-i Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, Âl-i İbrahim aleyhisselâm gibi öyle bir vaziyet almış ki umum mübarek silsilelerin başında, umum aktar ve a’sarın mecmalarında o nurani zatlar kumandanlık ediyorlar. '''(Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Hattâ onlardan bir tanesi olan Seyyid Ahmedü’s-Sünûsî, milyonlar müride kumandanlık ediyor. Seyyid İdris gibi diğer bir zat, yüz binden fazla Müslümanlara kumandanlık ediyor. Seyyid Yahya gibi bir başka seyyid, yüz binler adamlara emirlik ediyor ve hâkeza… Bu seyyidler kabilesinin efradlarında böyle zâhirî kahramanlar çok olduğu gibi; Seyyid Abdülkadir-i Geylanî, Seyyid Ebu’l-Hasan-ı Şazelî, Seyyid Ahmed-i Bedevî gibi manevî kahramanların kahramanları dahi varlarmış.</ref>)''' Ve öyle bir kesrettedirler ki o kumandanların mecmuu, muazzam bir ordu teşkil ediyorlar.

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If they took on  physical  form  and  with  their  solidarity  were  formed  into  a  division, if  they awakened the religion of Islam and bound it together in unity and established a sort of sacred  nationhood, the army of no  other nation  could  withstand  them.
Eğer maddî şekle girse ve bir tesanüd ile bir fırka vaziyetini alsalar İslâmiyet dinini milliyet-i mukaddese hükmünde rabıta-i ittifak ve intibah yapsalar hiçbir milletin ordusu onlara karşı dayanamaz! İşte o pek kesretli, o muktedir ordu, Âl-i Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâmdır ve Hazret-i Mehdi’nin en has ordusudur.

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Thus, that numerous, powerful army is the Family of the Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the Mahdi’s most select army.Yes, today in the world there is no family distinguished by such high honour and elevated qualities and nobility in its descendants, in unbroken succession and well- documented genealogy, which is as powerful and important as the line of Sayyids of the Family of the Prophet (UWBP). Since early times it is they who have been at the heads of all the groups of the people of truth, and they who have  been the renowned leaders of the people of perfection. Now it is a blessed line numbering millions. Vigilant and circumspect, their hearts full of belief and love of the Prophet (UWBP), they are distinguished by the honour of their world- renowned lineage.
Evet, bugün tarih-i âlemde hiçbir nesil, şecere ile ve senetlerle ve an’ane ile birbirine muttasıl ve en yüksek şeref ve âlî haseb ve asil neseb ile mümtaz hiçbir nesil yoktur ki Âl-i Beyt’ten gelen seyyidler nesli kadar kuvvetli ve ehemmiyetli bulunsun. Eski zamandan beri bütün ehl-i hakikatin fırkaları başında onlar ve ehl-i kemalin namdar reisleri yine onlardır. Şimdi de kemiyeten milyonları geçen bir nesl-i mübarektir. Mütenebbih ve kalpleri imanlı ve muhabbet-i Nebevî ile dolu ve cihan-değer şeref-i intisabıyla serfirazdırlar.

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