Translations:Onuncu Söz/335/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    16.33, 30 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Ferhat (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 141124 numaralı sürüm ("And since in the springtime on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring, which is written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;” He mentions the book in all his d..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    And since in the springtime on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring, which is written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;” He mentions the book in all his decrees; certainly, the main part of the book has been written, and with the resurrection and Last Judgement its footnotes shall be added, and all the notebooks of people’s actions shall be recorded in it.