Tüm genel günlükler

Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri için mevcut tüm günlüklerin birleşik gösterimi. Günlük tipini, kullanıcı adını (büyük-küçük harf duyarlı), ya da etkilenen sayfayı (yine büyük-küçük harf duyarlı) seçerek görünümü daraltabilirsiniz.

  • 11.18, 31 Temmuz 2024 Ferhat mesaj katkılar, Translations:On İkinci Söz/76/en sayfasını oluşturdu ("However, the sincere student of Qur’anic wisdom is a servant, but he does not stoop to worship even the greatest of creatures; he is an esteemed slave who does not take a supreme benefit like Paradise as the aim of his worship. And its student is humble; he is righteous and mild, yet outside the limits of his Maker’s leave, he would not voluntarily lower and abase himself before anything other than his Maker. And he is weak and in want, and he knows..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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