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Sekizinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Later, also like the first brother, he had entered a vast desert, and had suddenly heard the roar of a lion which was attacking him. He was frightened,but not as much as his brother. For, because of his good thoughts and positive attitude, he thought to himself: “This desert has a ruler, and it is possible that this lion is a servant under the ruler’s command,” and found consolation. But he still fled until he came across an empty well sixty yards..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("This fortunate and intelligent person went on his way, but he suffered no distress like his brother. For, due to his fine morals, he thought of good things and imagined good things. Everything was friendly and familiar to him. And he did not suffer any difficulty and hardship like his brother, for he knew the order and followed it. He found it easy. He went on his way freely and in peace and security. Then he came across a garden in which were both lovel..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Later, also like the first brother, he had entered a vast desert, and had suddenly heard the roar of a lion which was attacking him. He was frightened,but not as much as his brother. For, because of his good thoughts and positive attitude, he thought to himself: “This desert has a ruler, and it is possible that this lion is a servant under the ruler’s command,” and found consolation. But he still fled until he came across an empty well sixty yards..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
20. satır: 20. satır:
This fortunate and intelligent person went on his way, but he suffered no distress like his brother. For, due to his fine morals, he thought of good things and imagined good things. Everything was friendly and familiar to him. And he did not suffer any difficulty and hardship like his brother, for he knew the order and followed it. He found it easy. He went on his way freely and in peace and security. Then he came across a garden in which were both lovely flowers and fruits, and, since it was not looked after, rotting and filthy things. His brother had also entered such a garden, but he had  noticed and occupied himself with the filthy things and they had turned his stomach, so he had left it  and moved on without being able to rest himself. But this man acted according to the rule, ‘look on the good side of everything,’ and had paid no attention to the rotting things. He had benefited a lot from the good things, and taking a good rest, he had left and gone on his way.
This fortunate and intelligent person went on his way, but he suffered no distress like his brother. For, due to his fine morals, he thought of good things and imagined good things. Everything was friendly and familiar to him. And he did not suffer any difficulty and hardship like his brother, for he knew the order and followed it. He found it easy. He went on his way freely and in peace and security. Then he came across a garden in which were both lovely flowers and fruits, and, since it was not looked after, rotting and filthy things. His brother had also entered such a garden, but he had  noticed and occupied himself with the filthy things and they had turned his stomach, so he had left it  and moved on without being able to rest himself. But this man acted according to the rule, ‘look on the good side of everything,’ and had paid no attention to the rotting things. He had benefited a lot from the good things, and taking a good rest, he had left and gone on his way.

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Later, also like the first brother, he had entered a vast desert, and had suddenly heard the roar of a lion which was attacking him. He was frightened,but not as much as his brother. For, because of his good thoughts and positive attitude, he thought to himself: “This desert has a ruler, and it is possible that this lion is a servant under the ruler’s command,” and found consolation. But he still fled until he came across an empty well sixty yards deep. He threw  himself into it. Like his brother, his hand clasped a tree half-way down and he remained suspended in the air. He looked and saw two animals gnawing through the tree’s two roots. He looked up and saw the lion, and looked down and saw the dragon. Just like his brother he was seeing a most strange situation. He was terrified like him, but his terror was a thousand times less than his brother’s. For his good morals had given him good thoughts, and good thoughts show the good side of everything.
Sonra gitgide bu dahi evvelki biraderi gibi bir sahra-i azîmeye girdi. Birden hücum eden bir arslanın sesini işitti. Korktu fakat biraderi kadar korkmadı. Çünkü hüsn-ü zannıyla ve güzel fikriyle “Şu sahranın bir hâkimi var. Ve bu arslan, o hâkimin taht-ı emrinde bir hizmetkâr olması ihtimali var.diye düşünüp teselli buldu. Fakat yine kaçtı. Tâ altmış arşın derinliğinde bir susuz kuyuya rast geldi, kendini içine attı. Biraderi gibi ortasında bir ağaca eli yapıştı, havada muallak kaldı. Baktı iki hayvan, o ağacın iki kökünü kesiyorlar. Yukarıya baktı arslan, aşağıya baktı, bir ejderha gördü. Aynı kardeşi gibi bir acib vaziyet gördü. Bu dahi tedehhüş etti. Fakat kardeşinin dehşetinden bin derece hafif. Çünkü güzel ahlâkı, ona güzel fikir vermiş ve güzel fikir ise ona her şeyin güzel cihetini gösteriyor.

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