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Onuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Similarly, the innermost essence of life symbolically proves the pillar of belief in the prophets. For the cosmos was created for the sake of life, and life is in turn one of the supreme manifestations of the Living, Self-Subsistent and Eternal One. It is one of His most perfect designs, one of His most beauteous arts. Further, the eternal life of God shows itself only through the sending of messengers and the revelation of books. If there were no books..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("There must, then, exist and be provided with the property of life, conscious and animate beings that animate the skies, the suns, and the stars, bestow upon them their vitality, manifest the result of the purpose for the creation of the heavens, and receive address from the Glorious Creator. These creatures, of a nature suited to the heavens, are none other than the angels." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Similarly, the innermost essence of life symbolically proves the pillar of belief in the prophets. For the cosmos was created for the sake of life, and life is in turn one of the supreme manifestations of the Living, Self-Subsistent and Eternal One. It is one of His most perfect designs, one of His most beauteous arts. Further, the eternal life of God shows itself only through the sending of messengers and the revelation of books. If there were no books..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
818. satır: 818. satır:
There must, then, exist and be provided with the property of life, conscious and animate beings that animate the skies, the suns, and the stars, bestow upon them their vitality, manifest  the result of the purpose for the creation of the heavens, and receive address from the Glorious Creator. These creatures, of a nature suited to the heavens, are none other than the angels.
There must, then, exist and be provided with the property of life, conscious and animate beings that animate the skies, the suns, and the stars, bestow upon them their vitality, manifest  the result of the purpose for the creation of the heavens, and receive address from the Glorious Creator. These creatures, of a nature suited to the heavens, are none other than the angels.

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Similarly, the innermost essence of life symbolically proves the pillar of belief in the prophets. For the cosmos was created for the sake of life, and life is in turn one of the supreme manifestations of the Living, Self-Subsistent and Eternal One. It is one of His most perfect designs, one of His most  beauteous arts. Further, the eternal life of God shows itself only through the sending of messengers and the revelation of books. If there were no books or prophets, then eternal life would remain unknown. When a man speaks, he is recognized to be alive. Similarly, it is the prophets and revealed books that make manifest the words and decrees of the Being Who, from behind the world of the unseen that is veiled by the cosmos, speaks, talks, and emits His commands and prohibitions.
Hem hayatın sırr-ı mahiyeti '''peygamberlere iman''' rüknüne bakıp remzen ispat eder. Evet, madem kâinat, hayat için yaratılmış ve hayat dahi Hayy-ı Kayyum-u Ezelî’nin bir cilve-i a’zamıdır, bir nakş-ı ekmelidir, bir sanat-ı ecmelidir. Madem hayat-ı sermediye, resullerin gönderilmesiyle ve kitapların indirilmesiyle kendini gösterir. Evet, eğer kitaplar ve peygamberler olmaz ise o hayat-ı ezeliye bilinmez. Nasıl ki bir adamın söylemesiyle diri ve hayattar olduğu anlaşılır. Öyle de bu kâinatın perdesi altında olan âlem-i gaybın arkasında söyleyen, konuşan, emir ve nehyedip hitap eden bir zatın kelimatını, hitabatını gösterecek peygamberler ve nâzil olan kitaplardır.

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Just as the life existent in the cosmos bears decisive witness to the necessary existence of the Living and Eternal One, so too does it point to and indirectly confirm the pillars of belief in the sending of messengers and the revelation of scriptures, for these are the rays, the manifestations, and the relations of that eternal life. And especially the messengership of Muhammad —Peace and blessings be upon him— and the Qur’anic revelation, since they are like the very spirit and intellect of life, their veracity is as indisputable as the existence of this life.
Elbette kâinattaki hayat, kat’î bir surette Hayy-ı Ezelî’nin vücub-u vücuduna kat’î şehadet ettiği gibi o hayat-ı ezeliyenin şuâatı, celevatı, münasebatı olan “irsal-i Rusül ve inzal-i Kütüb” rükünlerine bakar, remzen ispat eder ve bilhassa risalet-i Muhammediye ve vahy-i Kur’anî, hayatın ruhu ve aklı hükmünde olduğundan bu hayatın vücudu gibi hakkaniyetleri kat’îdir denilebilir.

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