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On Birinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"First of all the Master repeated the speech to them. They listened carefully, and accepting it, profited greatly. They acted as the King wished. And because the King was pleased at their becoming conduct and manners, he invited them to another special, elevated, ineffable palace. And he bestowed it on them in a way worthy of such a munificent king, and fitting for such obedient subjects, and suitable for such well-mannered guests, and appropriate to su..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("“O people! By making this palace and displaying these things our lord, who is the king of the palace, wants to make himself known to you. You therefore should recognize Him and try to get to know Him. And with these adornments He wants to make Himself loved by you. Also, He shows His love for you through these bounties that you see, so you should love Him too by obeying Him. And through these bounties and gifts which are to be seen He shows His compass..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("First of all the Master repeated the speech to them. They listened carefully, and accepting it, profited greatly. They acted as the King wished. And because the King was pleased at their becoming conduct and manners, he invited them to another special, elevated, ineffable palace. And he bestowed it on them in a way worthy of such a munificent king, and fitting for such obedient subjects, and suitable for such well-mannered guests, and appropriate to su..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
25. satır: 25. satır:
He spoke further fitting words to the spectators like these concerning the King and this station. Then the people who had entered the palace separated into two groups.
He spoke further fitting words to the spectators like these concerning the King and this station. Then the people who had entered the palace separated into two groups.

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The First Group: Since these people had self-knowledge, were intelligent, and their hearts were in the right place, when they looked at the wonders inside the palace, they declared: “There are great matters afoot here!” They understood that it was not in vain or some trifling plaything. They were curious, and while wondering: “I wonder what the talisman to this is and what it contains,” they suddenly heard the speech the Master and Instructor was giving, and they realized that the keys to all the mysteries were with him. So they approached him and said: “Peace be upon you, O Master! By rights, a truthful and exact instructor like you is necessary for a magnificent palace such as this. Please tell us what our Lord has made known to you!
'''Birinci güruhu,''' kendini tanımış ve aklı başında ve kalbi yerinde oldukları için o sarayın içindeki acayiplere baktıkları zaman dediler: “Bunda büyük bir iş var.” Hem anladılar ki beyhude değil, âdi bir oyuncak değil. Onun için merak ettiler. “Acaba tılsımı nedir, içinde ne var?deyip düşünürken, birden o muarrif üstadın beyan ettiği nutkunu işittiler. Anladılar ki bütün esrarın anahtarları ondadır. Ona müteveccihen gittiler ve dediler: “Esselâmü aleyke yâ eyyühe’l-üstad! Hakkan, şöyle bir muhteşem sarayın, senin gibi sadık ve müdakkik bir muarrifi lâzımdır. Seyyidimiz sana ne bildirmişse lütfen bize bildiriniz.”

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First of all the Master repeated the speech to them. They listened carefully, and accepting it, profited greatly. They acted as the King wished. And because the King was pleased at  their  becoming conduct and manners, he invited them to another special, elevated, ineffable palace. And he bestowed it on them in a way worthy of such a munificent king, and fitting for such obedient subjects, and suitable for such well-mannered guests, and appropriate to such an elevated palace. He made them permanently happy.
Üstad ise evvel zikri geçen nutukları onlara dedi. Bunlar güzelce dinlediler, iyice kabul edip tam istifade ettiler. Padişahın marziyatı dairesinde amel ettiler. Onların şu edepli muamele ve vaziyetleri o padişahın hoşuna geldiğinden onları has ve yüksek ve tavsif edilmez diğer bir saraya davet etti, ihsan etti. Hem öyle bir cevvad-ı meliğe lâyık ve öyle mutî ahaliye şayeste ve öyle edepli misafirlere münasip ve öyle yüksek bir kasra şâyan bir surette ikram etti, daimî onları saadetlendirdi.

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