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On İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, the most particular and simple is the inspiration of the animals. Then there is the inspiration of the ordinary people; then the inspiration of ordinary angels; then the inspiration of the saints, then the inspiration of the higher angels. Thus, it is for this reason that a saint who offers supplications directly without means by the telephone of the heart says: “My heart tells me news of my Sustainer.” He does not say, “It tells..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In respect to the other Divine Words, they are speech which has become evident through a particular regard, a minor title, through the partial manifestation of a particular Name; through a particular dominicality, special sovereignty, a private mercy. Their degrees vary in regard to particularity and universality. Most inspiration is of this sort, but its degrees vary greatly." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, the most particular and simple is the inspiration of the animals. Then there is the inspiration of the ordinary people; then the inspiration of ordinary angels; then the inspiration of the saints, then the inspiration of the higher angels. Thus, it is for this reason that a saint who offers supplications directly without means by the telephone of the heart says: “My heart tells me news of my Sustainer.” He does not say, “It tells..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
78. satır: 78. satır:
In respect to the other Divine Words, they are speech which has become evident through a particular regard, a minor title, through the partial manifestation of a particular Name; through a  particular  dominicality, special sovereignty, a private mercy. Their degrees vary in regard to  particularity and universality. Most inspiration is of this sort, but its degrees vary greatly.
In respect to the other Divine Words, they are speech which has become evident through a particular regard, a minor title, through the partial manifestation of a particular Name; through a  particular  dominicality, special sovereignty, a private mercy. Their degrees vary in regard to  particularity and universality. Most inspiration is of this sort, but its degrees vary greatly.

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For example, the most particular and simple is the inspiration of the animals. Then there is the inspiration of the ordinary people; then the inspiration of ordinary angels; then the inspiration of the saints, then the inspiration of the higher angels. Thus, it is for this reason that a saint who offers supplications directly without means  by  the telephone of the  heart says: “My heart tells  me  news of my Sustainer.” He does not say, “It tells me of the Sustainer of All the Worlds.” And he says:  
Mesela, en cüz’îsi ve basiti, hayvanatın ilhamatıdır. Sonra avam-ı nâsın ilhamatıdır. Sonra avam-ı melâikenin ilhamatıdır. Sonra evliya ilhamatıdır. Sonra melâike-i izam ilhamatıdır. İşte şu sırdandır ki kalbin telefonuyla vasıtasız münâcat eden bir veli der:

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