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On Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students, and sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Because in view of this fact, the Qur’an by no means has – nor can have – any equal. Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students, and sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
236. satır: 236. satır:

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Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students,  and  sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind through their tongues, and which in a way  unmatched by any other book conveys the good news of eternal life and everlasting happiness to mankind and heals all their wounds, –since the Qur’an has given this certain good news of eternal life and happiness with thousands of its insistent, powerful and repeated verses, and with its certain unshakeable proofs and innumerable indubitable arguments which invite and give news explicitly and implicitly tens of thousands of times, so long as human kind does not altogether lose its mind and a  material or immaterial doomsday does not erupt over its head, the
Bin üç yüz altmış senede, her asırda üç yüz elli milyon şakirdi bulunan ve her hükmüne ve davasına milyonlar ehl-i hakikat tasdik ile imza basan ve her dakikada milyonlar hâfızların kalbinde kudsiyet ile bulunup lisanlarıyla beşere ders veren ve hiçbir kitapta emsali bulunmayan bir tarzda, beşer için hayat-ı bâkiyeyi ve saadet-i ebediyeyi müjde veren ve bütün beşerin yaralarını tedavi eden Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın şiddetli, kuvvetli ve tekrarlı binler âyâtıyla, belki sarîhan ve işareten on binler defa dava edip haber veren ve sarsılmaz kat’î delillerle şüphe getirmez hadsiz hüccetleriyle hayat-ı bâkiyeyi kat’iyetle müjde ve saadet-i ebediyeyi ders vermesi, elbette nev-i beşer bütün bütün aklını kaybetmezse, maddî veya manevî bir kıyamet başlarına kopmazsa; İsveç, Norveç, Finlandiya ve İngiltere’nin Kur’an’ı kabul etmeye çalışan meşhur hatipleri ve Amerika’nın din-i hakkı arayan ehemmiyetli cemiyeti gibi rûy-i zeminin geniş kıtaları ve büyük hükûmetleri Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ı arayacaklar ve hakikatlerini anladıktan sonra bütün ruh u canlarıyla sarılacaklar.
broad masses and great states in the world will search out the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and having grasped its truths, will embrace it with all their lives and spirits, just as there are [now]  famous  preachers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and England working  to  have  the  Qur’an accepted, and  the  important  community of America  is searching for the true religion.

Because in view of this fact, the Qur’an by no means has – nor can have – any equal. Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle.
Because in view of this fact, the Qur’an by no means has – nor can have – any equal. Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle.