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On Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Because of the extreme tyranny and despotism of this last World War and its merciless destruction, and hundreds of innocents being scattered and ruined on account of a single enemy, and the awesome despair of the defeated, and the fearsome alarm of the victors and their ghastly pangs of conscience arising from the supremacy they are unable to maintain and the destruction they are unable to repair, and the utter transitoriness and ephemerality o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students, and sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Because of the extreme tyranny and despotism of this last World War and its merciless destruction, and hundreds of innocents being scattered and ruined on account of a single enemy, and the awesome despair of the defeated, and the fearsome alarm of the victors and their ghastly pangs of conscience arising from the supremacy they are unable to maintain and the destruction they are unable to repair, and the utter transitoriness and ephemerality o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
224. satır: 224. satır:
I shall allude briefly to a most extensive and lengthy truth which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power.
I shall allude briefly to a most extensive and lengthy truth which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power.

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Because  of the  extreme  tyranny and  despotism  of this  last  World  War  and  its merciless destruction, and hundreds of innocents being scattered and ruined on account of a single enemy, and the awesome despair of the defeated, and the fearsome alarm of the victors and their ghastly pangs of conscience arising from the supremacy they are unable to maintain and the destruction they are unable to repair, and the utter transitoriness and ephemerality of the life of this world and the deceptive, opiate nature of the fantasies of civilization becoming apparent to all, and the exalted abilities lodged in human  nature and the human essence being wounded in a universal and awesome manner, and man’s innate love and desire for immortality being aroused and awakened, and heedlessness and misguidance  and  deaf,  lifeless  nature  being  smashed  by the  diamond  sword  of the Qur’an, and the exceedingly ugly, exceedingly cruel true face of world politics becoming apparent, which is the widest and most suffocating and deceptive cover for heedlessness and misguidance, most certainly
Nev-i beşer, bu son Harb-i Umumî’nin eşedd-i zulüm ve eşedd-i istibdadı ile ve merhametsiz tahribatı ile ve bir tek düşmanın yüzünden yüzer masumu perişan etmesiyle ve mağlupların dehşetli meyusiyetleriyle ve galiblerin dehşetli telaş ve hâkimiyetlerini muhafaza ve büyük tahribatlarını tamir edememelerinden gelen dehşetli vicdan azaplarıyla ve dünya hayatının bütün bütün fâni ve muvakkat olması ve medeniyet fanteziyelerinin aldatıcı ve uyutucu olduğu umuma görünmesiyle ve fıtrat-ı beşeriyedeki yüksek istidadatın ve mahiyet-i insaniyesinin umumî bir surette dehşetli yaralanmasıyla ve gaflet ve dalaletin, sert ve sağır olan tabiatın, Kur’an’ın elmas kılıncı altında parçalanmasıyla ve gaflet ve dalaletin en boğucu, aldatıcı en geniş perdesi olan siyaset-i rûy-i zeminin pek çirkin, pek gaddarane hakiki sureti görünmesiyle elbette ve elbette hiç şüphe yok ki:

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