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On Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Despite being restricted particulars, through the mystery of luminosity impotent and subjugated creatures like the sun and semi-luminous beings restricted by matter like spirit beings may be present in numerous places while being in one place, thus becoming like absolute universals, and with a limited power of choice being able to perform many matters simultaneously." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, it is through this mystery that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), whose essence is light and nature, luminous, in this world hears at the same time all the benedictions recited for him by all his community, and at the resurrection will meet with all the purified at the same time. One will not be an obstacle to another. In fact, some of the saints who have acquired a high degree of luminosity and are called ‘substitutes’ (..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Despite being restricted particulars, through the mystery of luminosity impotent and subjugated creatures like the sun and semi-luminous beings restricted by matter like spirit beings may be present in numerous places while being in one place, thus becoming like absolute universals, and with a limited power of choice being able to perform many matters simultaneously." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
36. satır: 36. satır:
Thus, it is through this mystery that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), whose essence is light and nature, luminous, in this world hears at the same time all the benedictions recited for him by all his community, and at the  resurrection will meet with all the purified at the same time. One will not be an obstacle to another. In fact, some of the saints who have acquired a high degree of luminosity and are called ‘substitutes’ (abdal) have been observed in many places at the same time, and the same person has performed numerous different acts at the same time.
Thus, it is through this mystery that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), whose essence is light and nature, luminous, in this world hears at the same time all the benedictions recited for him by all his community, and at the  resurrection will meet with all the purified at the same time. One will not be an obstacle to another. In fact, some of the saints who have acquired a high degree of luminosity and are called ‘substitutes’ (abdal) have been observed in many places at the same time, and the same person has performed numerous different acts at the same time.

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Indeed, just as things like glass and water act as mirrors to physical objects, so the air and ether, and certain beings of the World of Similitudes are like mirrors to spirit beings; they become like  means of  transport and conveyance of the speed of lightning and imagination. The spirit beings travel in those  pure mirrors and subtle dwellings with speed of imagination. They enter thousands of places at the  same time.
Evet, nasıl cismaniyata cam ve su gibi şeyler âyine olur. Öyle de ruhaniyata dahi hava ve esir ve âlem-i misalin bazı mevcudatı âyine hükmünde ve berk ve hayal süratinde bir vasıta-i seyr ü seyahat suretine geçerler ve o ruhanîler hayal süratiyle o meraya-yı nazifede, o menazil-i latîfede gezerler. Bir anda binler yerlere girerler.

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Despite being restricted  particulars,  through  the  mystery  of  luminosity  impotent  and  subjugated creatures like the sun and semi-luminous beings restricted by matter like spirit beings may be present in numerous places while being in one place, thus becoming like absolute universals, and with a  limited power of choice being able to perform many matters simultaneously.
Madem güneş gibi âciz ve musahhar mahluklar ve ruhanî gibi madde ile mukayyed nim-nurani masnûlar, nuraniyet sırrıyla bir yerde iken pek çok yerlerde bulunabilirler. Mukayyed bir cüz’î iken mutlak bir küllî hükmünü alırlar. Bir anda cüz’î bir ihtiyar ile pek çok işleri yapabilirler.

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Thus,  what thing  may hide  itself  from address of Oneness which is within the manifestation of  the attributes and acts of the Most Pure and Holy One through His universal will, absolute power, and all-encompassing knowledge? The Most Holy One, Who is far beyond and exalted above matter;  free and exempt from any restriction or limitation and the darkness of density; of the sacred lights of  Whose Names all these lights and luminous beings are but dense shadows; and of Whose beauty all existence and all  life  and the  World of Spirits and the  World of Similitudes are semi-transparent mirrors; Whose attributes are all-encompassing and Whose qualities, universal? What matter  could  be  difficult  for  Him?  What  thing  can  be  concealed  from Him?  What individual can  be  distant  from  Him?  What  person  can  draw  close  to  Him without acquiring universality?
Acaba, maddeden mücerred ve muallâ ve tahdid-i kayıt ve zulmet-i kesafetten münezzeh ve müberra ve şu umum envar ve bütün nuraniyat onun envar-ı kudsiye-i esmasının bir kesif zılali ve umum vücud ve bütün hayat ve âlem-i ervah ve âlem-i misal, nim-şeffaf bir âyine-i cemali ve sıfâtı muhita ve şuunatı külliye olan bir Zat-ı Akdes’in irade-i külliye ve kudret-i mutlaka ve ilm-i muhitle tecelli-i sıfâtı ve cilve-i ef’ali içindeki teveccüh-ü ehadiyetinden hangi şey saklanabilir, hangi iş ağır gelebilir, hangi şey gizlenebilir, hangi fert uzak kalabilir, hangi şahsiyet külliyet kesbetmeden ona yanaşabilir?

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