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On Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And see! He seeks and pleads for help and mercy in a manner so elevated and sweet, it is as if he makes all beings and the heavens and the earth hear, and bringing them to ecstasy, to exclaim: “Amen, O our God! Amen!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And see! The purpose and aim of his prayer is such it raises man and the world, and all creatures, from the lowest of the low, from inferiority, worthlessness, and uselessness to the highest of the high; that is to having value, permanence, and exalted duties." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("And see! He seeks and pleads for help and mercy in a manner so elevated and sweet, it is as if he makes all beings and the heavens and the earth hear, and bringing them to ecstasy, to exclaim: “Amen, O our God! Amen!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
110. satır: 110. satır:
And see! The purpose and aim of his prayer is such it raises man and the world, and all creatures, from the lowest of the low, from inferiority, worthlessness, and uselessness to the highest of the high; that is to having value, permanence, and exalted duties.
And see! The purpose and aim of his prayer is such it raises man and the world, and all creatures, from the lowest of the low, from inferiority, worthlessness, and uselessness to the highest of the high; that is to having value, permanence, and exalted duties.

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And see! He seeks and pleads for help and mercy in a manner so elevated and sweet, it is as if he makes all beings and the heavens and the earth hear, and bringing them to ecstasy, to exclaim:  “Amen,  O  our  God!  Amen!”
Bak, hem öyle yüksek bir fîzar-ı istimdadkârane ve öyle tatlı bir niyaz-ı istirhamkârane ile istiyor, yalvarıyor ki güya bütün mevcudata ve semavata ve arşa işittirip vecde getirip duasına “Âmin Allahümme âmin” dedirtiyor.

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And  see!  He  seeks  his  needs  from  One  so Powerful, Hearing, and Munificent, One so Knowing, Seeing, and Compassionate, that He sees and hears the most secret need of the most hidden living being and its entreaties, accepts them, and has mercy on it. For He gives what is asked for, if only through the tongue of disposition. And He gives it in so Wise, Seeing, and Compassionate a form that it leaves no doubt that that nurturing and regulation is particular to the All-Hearing and All-Seeing One, the Most Generous and Most Compassionate One.
Bak, hem öyle Semî’, Kerîm bir Kadîr’den, öyle Basîr, Rahîm bir Alîm’den hâcetini istiyor ki bilmüşahede en hafî bir zîhayatın en hafî bir hâcetini, bir niyazını görür, işitir, kabul eder, merhamet eder. Çünkü istediğini –velev lisan-ı hal ile olsun– verir. Ve öyle bir suret-i hakîmane, basîrane, rahîmanede verir ki şüphe bırakmaz bu terbiye ve tedbir öyle bir Semî’ ve Basîr ve öyle bir Kerîm ve Rahîm’e hastır.

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