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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels but also the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In the All-Wise Qur’an are numerous minor events behind which are concealed universal principles, and which are shown as the tips of general laws. For example, He taught Adam the Names, all of them.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:31.</ref>) This is the ‘teaching of the Names,’ which was a miracle of Adam before the angels because of his ability to be vicegerent of the earth, and was a minor event. But it forms the tip of a universal principle which is as foll..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels but also the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
21. satır: 21. satır:
In the All-Wise Qur’an are numerous minor events behind which are concealed universal principles, and which are shown as the tips of general laws. For example, He taught Adam the Names, all of them.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:31.</ref>) This is the ‘teaching of the Names,’ which was a miracle of Adam before the angels because of his ability to be vicegerent of the earth, and was a minor event. But it forms the tip of a universal principle  which is as follows:
In the All-Wise Qur’an are numerous minor events behind which are concealed universal principles, and which are shown as the tips of general laws. For example, He taught Adam the Names, all of them.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:31.</ref>) This is the ‘teaching of the Names,’ which was a miracle of Adam before the angels because of his ability to be vicegerent of the earth, and was a minor event. But it forms the tip of a universal principle  which is as follows:

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it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the  Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels  but also  the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, man is a spiritual vicegerent of the earth, so the minor event in the Unseen of the angels prostrating before Adam and Satan not prostrating is the tip of a  broad and universal observed principle; these hint at an extensive truth which is as follows:
Nev-i beşere, câmiiyet-i istidat cihetiyle talim olunan hadsiz ulûm ve kâinatın envaına muhit pek çok fünun ve Hâlık’ın şuunat ve evsafına şâmil kesretli maarifin talimidir ki nev-i beşere, değil yalnız melâikelere, belki semavat ve arz ve dağlara karşı emanet-i kübrayı haml davasında bir rüçhaniyet vermiş. Ve heyet-i mecmuasıyla arzın bir halife-i manevîsi olduğunu Kur’an ifham ettiği misillü; melâikelerin Âdem’e secdesiyle beraber, şeytanın secde etmemesi olan hâdise-i cüz’iye-i gaybiye, pek geniş bir düstur-u külliye-i meşhudenin ucu olduğu gibi pek büyük bir hakikati ihsas ediyor. Şöyle ki:

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