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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"By mentioning the angels’ obedience and submission before the person of Adam, and Satan’s pride and refusal, the Qur’an makes understood that most of the physical beings in the universe and their non-physical representatives and appointed beings are subjugated to man, and that man’s senses are predisposed and amenable to benefiting from all of them. And pointing out what a fearsome enemy and serious obstacle in the path of man’s progress are..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels but also the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("By mentioning the angels’ obedience and submission before the person of Adam, and Satan’s pride and refusal, the Qur’an makes understood that most of the physical beings in the universe and their non-physical representatives and appointed beings are subjugated to man, and that man’s senses are predisposed and amenable to benefiting from all of them. And pointing out what a fearsome enemy and serious obstacle in the path of man’s progress are..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
23. satır: 23. satır:
it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the  Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels  but also  the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, man is a spiritual vicegerent of the earth, so the minor event in the Unseen of the angels prostrating before Adam and Satan not prostrating is the tip of a  broad and universal observed principle; these hint at an extensive truth which is as follows:
it was the teaching, due to man’s comprehensive disposition, of countless sciences, and numerous all-embracing branches of knowledge about the universe, and extensive learning about the  Creator’s attributes and qualities, which afforded man superiority over not only the angels  but also  the heavens and earth and mountains in the question of the bearing of the Supreme Trust. And like the Qur’an states that through his comprehensive disposition, man is a spiritual vicegerent of the earth, so the minor event in the Unseen of the angels prostrating before Adam and Satan not prostrating is the tip of a  broad and universal observed principle; these hint at an extensive truth which is as follows:

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By mentioning the angels’ obedience and submission before the person of Adam, and Satan’s pride and refusal, the Qur’an makes understood that most of the physical beings in the  universe and their non-physical representatives and appointed beings are subjugated to man, and that  man’s senses are predisposed and amenable to benefiting from all of them. And pointing out what a fearsome enemy and serious obstacle in the path of man’s progress are evil matter and its representatives and evil indwelling spirits, which corrupt man’s nature and drive him down wrong paths, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, while speaking of a minor matter with Adam (Peace be upon him), converses in elevated fashion with the whole universe and all mankind.
Kur’an, şahs-ı Âdem’e melâikelerin itaat ve inkıyadını ve şeytanın tekebbür ve imtinaını zikretmesiyle; nev-i beşere kâinatın ekser maddî envaları ve o envaın manevî mümessilleri ve müekkelleri musahhar olduklarını ve nev-i beşerin hâsselerinin bütün istifadelerine müheyya ve münkad olduklarını ifham etmekle beraber; o nev’in istidadatını bozan ve yanlış yollara sevk eden mevadd-ı şerire ile onların mümessilleri ve sekene-i habîseleri, o nev-i beşerin tarîk-i kemalâtında ne büyük bir engel, ne müthiş bir düşman teşkil ettiğini ihtar ederek Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan, bir tek Âdem’le (as) cüz’î hâdiseyi konuşurken bütün kâinatla ve bütün nev-i beşerle bir mükâleme-i ulviye ediyor.

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