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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Third:''' Just as there is an immaterial substance like belief which counters the effects of Hell-fire and affords protection against it, the armour of Islam, so there is a physical substance which protects against the effects of worldly fire. For as is required by the Name of All-Wise, this world is the abode of wisdom, and Almighty God carries out His works under the veil of causes. Therefore, the fire burnt neither Abraham’s body, nor his gar..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Second:''' There is a degree of heat which burns through its coldness. That is, it has an effect like burning. Through the word, Be cool!,(*<ref>*One Qur’anic commentary states: If He had not said: Be cool!, it would have burnt him with its coldness. [See, for example, Ibn Hanbal, al-Zuhd, 101.– Tr.]</ref>) Almighty God is saying to the coldness: “Do not burn him with your coldness, the same as your heat!” That is to say, through its coldn..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Third:''' Just as there is an immaterial substance like belief which counters the effects of Hell-fire and affords protection against it, the armour of Islam, so there is a physical substance which protects against the effects of worldly fire. For as is required by the Name of All-Wise, this world is the abode of wisdom, and Almighty God carries out His works under the veil of causes. Therefore, the fire burnt neither Abraham’s body, nor his gar..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
233. satır: 233. satır:
cold. Thus, intense cold is a category of fire which burns through its cold. In which case, this intense cold is surely a part of Hell, for it contains all the degrees and sorts of fire.
cold. Thus, intense cold is a category of fire which burns through its cold. In which case, this intense cold is surely a part of Hell, for it contains all the degrees and sorts of fire.

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'''The Third:''' Just as there is an immaterial substance like belief which counters the effects of Hell-fire and affords protection against it, the armour of Islam, so there is a physical substance which protects against the effects of worldly fire. For as is required by the Name of All-Wise, this world is the abode of wisdom, and Almighty God carries out
'''Üçüncüsü:''' Cehennem ateşinin tesirini men’edecek ve eman verecek iman gibi bir madde-i maneviye, İslâmiyet gibi bir zırh olduğu misillü dünyevî ateşinin dahi tesirini men’edecek bir madde-i maddiye vardır. Çünkü Cenab-ı Hak, ism-i Hakîm iktizasıyla bu dünya dârü’l-hikmet olmak hasebiyle, esbab perdesi altında icraat yapıyor. Öyle ise Hazret-i İbrahim’in cismi gibi gömleğini de ateş yakmadı ve ateşe karşı mukavemet haletini vermiştir. İbrahim’i yakmadığı gibi gömleğini de yakmıyor.
His works under the veil of causes. Therefore, the fire burnt neither Abraham’s body, nor his garments; He imbued them with a state which resisted fire.

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