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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==== '''THE FIRST''' ====" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
292. satır: 292. satır:
==== '''THE FIRST''' ====
==== '''THE FIRST''' ====

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'''If you say:''' “The Qur’an was revealed for man, so why does it not describe the wonders of civilization explicitly, for they have the greatest importance in his eyes? Why does it  suffice with secret  signs,  concealed  allusions, slight  indications, and  slender reminders?”
'''Eğer desen:''' “Madem Kur’an, beşer için nâzil olmuştur. Neden beşerin nazarında en mühim olan medeniyet hârikalarını tasrih etmiyor? Yalnız gizli bir remiz ile hafî bir îma ile hafif bir işaretle zayıf bir ihtar ile iktifa ediyor?”

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'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights from the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ they would receive very few.
'''Elcevap:''' Çünkü medeniyet-i beşeriye hârikalarının hakları, bahs-i Kur’anîde o kadar olabilir. Zira '''Kur’an’ın vazife-i asliyesi, daire-i rububiyetin kemalât ve şuunatını ve daire-i ubudiyetin vezaif ve ahvalini talim etmektir.''' Öyle ise şu havârık-ı beşeriyenin o iki dairede hakları; yalnız bir zayıf remiz, bir hafif işaret ancak düşer. Çünkü onlar, daire-i rububiyetten haklarını isteseler o vakit pek az hak alabilirler.

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