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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, if man’s aeroplane(*<ref>*While writing this serious matter, involuntarily my pen adopted this subtle, though witty, style. So I left my pen free. I hope that the somewhat unserious style does not mar the seriousness of the subject.</ref>) were to say to the Qur’an: “Give me the right to speak and a place in your verses,” the planets, earth, and moon, which are the aeroplanes of the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ would reply in the n..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, if man’s aeroplane(*<ref>*While writing this serious matter, involuntarily my pen adopted this subtle, though witty, style. So I left my pen free. I hope that the somewhat unserious style does not mar the seriousness of the subject.</ref>) were to say to the Qur’an: “Give me the right to speak and a place in your verses,” the planets, earth, and moon, which are the aeroplanes of the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ would reply in the n..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
296. satır: 296. satır:
'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights from the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ they would receive very few.
'''The Answer:''' Because the rights of the marvels of human civilization can only claim that much in the Qur’an’s discussions. For the Qur’an’s basic duty is to teach about the perfections and acts in the ‘sphere of dominicality’ and the duties and circumstances in the ‘sphere of worship.’ So the rights of human wonders in those two spheres diminish to being only a weak sign and slight indication. For if they were to demand their rights from the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ they would receive very few.

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For example, if man’s aeroplane(*<ref>*While writing this serious matter, involuntarily my pen adopted this subtle, though witty, style. So I left my pen free. I hope that the somewhat unserious style does not mar the seriousness of the subject.</ref>)
Mesela, tayyare-i beşer '''(Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Şu ciddi meseleyi yazarken ihtiyarsız olarak kalemim üslubunu, şu latîf latîfeye çevirdi. Ben de kalemimi serbest bıraktım. Ümit ederim ki üslubun latîfeliği, meselenin ciddiyetine halel vermesin.</ref>)''' Kur’an’a dese: “Bana bir hakk-ı kelâm ver, âyâtında bir mevki ver.Elbette o daire-i rububiyetin tayyareleri olan seyyarat, arz, kamer; Kur’an namına diyecekler: “Burada cirmin kadar bir mevki alabilirsin.”
were to say to the Qur’an: “Give me the right to speak and a place in your verses,” the planets, earth, and moon, which are the aeroplanes of the ‘sphere of dominicality,’ would reply in the name of the Qur’an: “You take a place in relation to your size.”

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