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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Look! What brilliant decorations he has, more than a thousand of them.(*<ref>*The thousand decorations are the miracles of Muhammad (PBUH), which according to those who have investigated them, reach nearly a thousand. (Bayhaqi, Dala’il, i, 10.)</ref>) How powerfully he speaks! How pleasant is his conversation! In these two weeks I have learnt a little of what he says. You learn them from me. See, he is speaking of this country’s miracle-displayi..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("See, we are going there. Now we have arrived and have alighted on the peninsula. There is a vast gathering, a great concourse, as though all the important people of the country have gathered there. Look carefully, this great community has a leader. Come, we shall draw closer; we must become acquainted with him." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Look! What brilliant decorations he has, more than a thousand of them.(*<ref>*The thousand decorations are the miracles of Muhammad (PBUH), which according to those who have investigated them, reach nearly a thousand. (Bayhaqi, Dala’il, i, 10.)</ref>) How powerfully he speaks! How pleasant is his conversation! In these two weeks I have learnt a little of what he says. You learn them from me. See, he is speaking of this country’s miracle-displayi..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
141. satır: 141. satır:
See, we are going there. Now we have arrived and have alighted on the peninsula. There is a vast gathering, a great concourse, as though all the important people of the country have gathered there. Look carefully, this great community has a leader. Come, we shall draw closer; we must become acquainted with him.
See, we are going there. Now we have arrived and have alighted on the peninsula. There is a vast gathering, a great concourse, as though all the important people of the country have gathered there. Look carefully, this great community has a leader. Come, we shall draw closer; we must become acquainted with him.

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Look!  What  brilliant decorations he  has, more than a thousand of them.(*<ref>*The thousand decorations are the miracles of Muhammad (PBUH), which according to those who have investigated them, reach nearly a thousand. (Bayhaqi, Dala’il, i, 10.)</ref>)
İşte bak, ne kadar parlak ve binden (Hâşiye-2<ref>'''Hâşiye-2:''' Bin nişan ise ehl-i tahkik yanında bine bâliğ olan mu’cizat-ı Ahmediyedir (asm). </ref>) ziyade nişanları var. Ne kadar kuvvetli söylüyor. Ne kadar tatlı bir sohbet ediyor. Şu on beş gün zarfında, bunların dediklerini ben bir parça öğrendim. Sen de benden öğren. Bak o zat, şu memleketin mu’ciz-nüma sultanından bahsediyor. O sultan-ı zîşan, beni sizlere gönderdi söylüyor. Bak, öyle hârikalar gösteriyor; şüphe bırakmıyor ki bu zat o padişahın bir memur-u mahsusudur. Sen dikkat et ki bu zatın söylediği sözü, değil yalnız şu ceziredeki mahluklar dinliyorlar, belki hârikulâde suretinde bütün memlekete işittiriyor. Çünkü uzaktan uzağa herkes buradaki nutkunu işitmeye çalışıyor. Değil yalnız insanlar dinliyor, belki hayvanlar da hattâ bak dağlar da onun getirdiği emirlerini dinliyorlar ki yerlerinden kımıldanıyorlar. Şu ağaçlar, işaret ettiği yere gidiyorlar. Nerede istese su çıkarıyor. Hattâ parmağını da bir âb-ı kevser memesi gibi yapar, ondan âb-ı hayat içiriyor. Bak, şu sarayın kubbe-i âlîsinde mühim lamba, (Hâşiye-1<ref>'''Hâşiye-1:''' Mühim lamba Kamer’dir ki onun işaretiyle iki parça olmuş. Yani Mevlana Câmî’nin dediği gibi “Hiç yazı yazmayan o ümmi zat, parmak kalemiyle sahife-i semavîde bir elif yazmış, bir kırkı iki elli yapmış.” Yani şaktan evvel, kırk olan mime benzer; şaktan sonra iki hilâl oldu, elliden ibaret olan iki nuna benzedi. </ref>) onun işaretiyle, bir iken ikileşiyor.
How powerfully he speaks! How  pleasant is his conversation! In these two weeks I have learnt a little of what he says. You learn them from me. See, he is speaking of this country’s miracle-displaying king. He is saying that the glorious king sent him to us.And he is displaying such wonders that they leave no doubt that he is his special envoy. Look carefully, it is not only the creatures on this peninsula that are listening to what he says;  he  is  making  the  whole  country  hear  in  wondrous  fashion. For  near  and  far everyone is trying to hear the speech here. It is  not only humans that are listening, animals are listening too. Look, even the mountains are listening to  the commands he brought so that they are stirring in their places, and the trees, too, move to the place that he indicates. He brings forth water from wherever he wishes. He even makes his fingers like a Spring of Kawthar, and gives to drink from them. Look, at his sign, an important lamp(*<ref>*The important lamp is the moon, which split into two halves at his indication. That is, as Mawlana
Jami said: “With the pen of his finger, that unlettered one who knew no writing, wrote an alif on the page of the skies and made one forty, two fifties.” That is, before it split, the moon resembled m  m, the value of which is forty; and after splitting it became two crescents, and resembled two nu\ns, the value of which is fifty.</ref>) in the dome of this palace splits into two.

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