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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In reply, the obstinate man said: “I can only say this in the face of these proofs of yours: All praise be to God for I have come to believe. And I believe in a way bright as the sun and clear as daylight that this country has a single King of Perfection, this world, a Single Glorious Owner, this palace, a Single Beauteous Maker. May God be pleased with you, for you have saved me from my former obstinacy and foolishness. Each of the proofs you showed..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("My friend! If you have come to your senses, this is enough for now. If you have something to say, say it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In reply, the obstinate man said: “I can only say this in the face of these proofs of yours: All praise be to God for I have come to believe. And I believe in a way bright as the sun and clear as daylight that this country has a single King of Perfection, this world, a Single Glorious Owner, this palace, a Single Beauteous Maker. May God be pleased with you, for you have saved me from my former obstinacy and foolishness. Each of the proofs you showed..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
164. satır: 164. satır:
My friend! If you have come to your senses, this is enough for now. If you have something to say, say it.
My friend! If you have come to your senses, this is enough for now. If you have something to say, say it.

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In reply, the obstinate man said: “I can only say this in the face of these proofs of yours: All praise be to God for I have come to believe. And I believe in a way bright as the sun and clear as daylight that this country has a single King of Perfection, this world, a Single Glorious Owner, this palace, a Single Beauteous Maker. May God be pleased with you, for you have saved me from my former obstinacy and foolishness. Each of the proofs  you  showed  was  sufficient  to  demonstrate the  truth. But  because  with  each successive proof, clearer, pleasanter, more agreeable, more luminous,  finer levels of knowledge, veils in acquaintanceship, and windows of love were opened and revealed, I waited and listened.”
O inatçı adam cevaben dedi ki: “Ben, senin bu bürhanlarına karşı yalnız derim, Elhamdülillah inandım. Hem güneş gibi parlak ve gündüz gibi aydın bir tarzda inandım ki şu memleketin tek bir mâlik-i zülkemali, şu âlemin tek bir sahib-i zülcelali, şu sarayın tek bir sâni’-i zülcemali bulunduğunu kabul ettim. Allah senden razı olsun ki beni eski inadımdan ve divaneliğimden kurtardın. Getirdiğin bürhanların her birisi tek başıyla bu hakikati göstermeye kâfi idi. Fakat her bir bürhan geldikçe daha revnaktar daha şirin daha hoş daha nurani daha güzel marifet tabakaları, tanımak perdeleri, muhabbet pencereleri açıldığı için bekledim, dinledim.”

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