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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In just the same way, man, who manifests many Names and is charged with many duties and afflicted with many enemies, invokes many of the Names in his prayers and supplications. Like Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him), the cause of pride of mankind and truly the most perfect man, supplicated with a thousand and one Names in his prayer, Jawshan al-Kabir. It is due to this mystery that the Sura, Say, I seek refuge with the Sustainer and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, if someone is both a teacher, and a policeman, and a clerk of the court, and an inspector in the civil service, in each office he has both relations, and duties, and obligations, and salaries, and responsibilities, and promotion, and enemies and rivals who are the cause of his failures. He appears before the king with many titles, and he sees the king. He seeks help from him with many tongues. He has recourse to many of the ruler’s titl..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In just the same way, man, who manifests many Names and is charged with many duties and afflicted with many enemies, invokes many of the Names in his prayers and supplications. Like Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him), the cause of pride of mankind and truly the most perfect man, supplicated with a thousand and one Names in his prayer, Jawshan al-Kabir. It is due to this mystery that the Sura, Say, I seek refuge with the Sustainer and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
36. satır: 36. satır:
Thus, if someone is both a teacher, and a policeman, and a clerk of the court, and an inspector  in the  civil service,  in  each office  he  has  both relations,  and  duties,  and obligations, and salaries, and responsibilities, and promotion, and enemies and rivals who are the cause of his failures. He appears before the king with many titles, and he sees the king. He seeks help from him with many tongues. He has recourse to many of the ruler’s titles, and seeks his help in many forms in order to be saved from the evil of his enemies.
Thus, if someone is both a teacher, and a policeman, and a clerk of the court, and an inspector  in the  civil service,  in  each office  he  has  both relations,  and  duties,  and obligations, and salaries, and responsibilities, and promotion, and enemies and rivals who are the cause of his failures. He appears before the king with many titles, and he sees the king. He seeks help from him with many tongues. He has recourse to many of the ruler’s titles, and seeks his help in many forms in order to be saved from the evil of his enemies.

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In just the same way, man, who manifests many Names and is charged with many duties and afflicted with many enemies, invokes many of the Names in his prayers and supplications. Like Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him), the cause of pride of mankind and truly the most perfect man, supplicated with a thousand and one Names in his prayer, Jawshan al-Kabir. It is due to this mystery that the Sura, Say, I seek refuge with the Sustainer and Cherisher of men, * The Sovereign of men, * The God of men, * From the evil of the whispering, elusive tempter(*<ref>*Qur’an, 114:1-4.</ref>) commands that we take refuge with God through three titles, and, In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate shows the seeking of help through three Names.
Öyle de çok esmaya mazhar ve çok vazifelerle mükellef ve çok düşmanlara müptela olan insan; münâcatında, istiazesinde çok isimleri zikreder. Nasıl ki nev-i insanın medar-ı fahri ve elhak en hakiki insan-ı kâmil olan Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, Cevşenü’l-Kebir namındaki münâcatında bin bir ismiyle dua ediyor; ateşten istiaze ediyor. İşte şu sırdandır ki sure-i قُل۟ اَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ ۝مَلِكِ النَّاسِ ۝اِلٰهِ النَّاسِ ۝مِن۟ شَرِّ ال۟وَس۟وَاسِ ال۟خَنَّاسِ de üç unvan ile istiazeyi emrediyor ve بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ de üç ismiyle istianeyi gösteriyor.

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