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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"for sure man is the place of manifestation of all the Names, but since his power is slight, his will partial, his abilities various, and desires different, he searches for reality among thousands of veils and barriers. So, in uncovering reality and witnessing the truth, barriers intervene. Some people cannot by-pass the barriers. Their abilities are all different. The abilities of some cannot support the unfolding of some of the truths of belief. Moreov..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Because in reality the most true and complete perfection is thus. Yes, the wisdom in these mysteries is this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("for sure man is the place of manifestation of all the Names, but since his power is slight, his will partial, his abilities various, and desires different, he searches for reality among thousands of veils and barriers. So, in uncovering reality and witnessing the truth, barriers intervene. Some people cannot by-pass the barriers. Their abilities are all different. The abilities of some cannot support the unfolding of some of the truths of belief. Moreov..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
49. satır: 49. satır:
Because in reality the most true and complete perfection is thus. Yes, the wisdom in these mysteries is this:
Because in reality the most true and complete perfection is thus. Yes, the wisdom in these mysteries is this:

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for sure man is the place of manifestation of all the Names, but since his power is slight, his will partial, his abilities various, and desires different, he searches for reality among thousands of veils and barriers. So, in uncovering reality and witnessing the truth, barriers intervene. Some people cannot  by-pass the barriers. Their abilities are all different. The abilities of some cannot support the unfolding of some of the truths of belief. Moreover, the colours of the Name’s manifestations vary according to the place they are manifested; they become all different. Some people who manifest them cannot be the means to the complete manifestation of a Name. Also, the manifestation of the Names takes on different forms  in respect of universality, particularity, shadow, or originality. Some capacities cannot transcend  particularity. And some cannot emerge from the shadow. In some capacities, sometimes one Name is predominant, and it carries out its word and rules in that capacity. Now we shall make a few  indications  to this profound mystery and this extensive wisdom with an enigmatical, comprehensive, true, but somewhat complex, comparison.
İnsan çendan bütün esmaya mazhar ve bütün kemalâta müstaiddir. Lâkin iktidarı cüz’î, ihtiyarı cüz’î, istidadı muhtelif, arzuları mütefavit olduğu halde binler perdeler, berzahlar içinde hakikati taharri eder. Onun için hakikatin keşfinde ve hakkın şuhudunda berzahlar ortaya düşüyor. Bazılar berzahtan geçemiyorlar. Kabiliyetler başka başka oluyor. Bazıların kabiliyeti, bazı erkân-ı imaniyenin inkişafına menşe olamıyor. Hem esmanın cilvelerinin renkleri, mazhara göre tenevvü ediyor, ayrı ayrı oluyor. Bazı mazhar olan zat, bir ismin tam cilvesine medar olamıyor. Hem külliyet ve cüz’iyet ve zılliyet ve asliyet itibarıyla cilve-i esma, başka başka suret alıyor. Bazı istidat, cüz’iyetten geçemiyor ve gölgeden çıkamıyor. Ve istidada göre bazen bir isim galip oluyor, yalnız kendi hükmünü icra ediyor. O istidatta onun hükmü hükümran oluyor. İşte şu derin sırra ve şu geniş hikmete esrarlı, geniş ve hakikat ile bir derece karışık bir temsil ile bazı işaretler ederiz.

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