İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And so, my friend, who has not forgotten the world, is preoccupied with materiality, and whose soul is dense! You be ‘Flower’. ‘Flower’ takes on a colour dissolved from the Sun’s light, and it mixes the Sun’s image in with that colour and clothes itself in an adorned form. For your capacity resembles it as well." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now the three of us must enter into this comparison, which is narrow for reality, but in some of the corners of which the members of reality are to be seen and which is mixed with reality. The three of us shall suppose ourselves to be ‘Flower’, ‘Droplet’, and ‘Atom’. For the consciousness which we suppose them to have insufficient. We must add our reasons to theirs. That is to say, just as they receive effulgence from their physical Sun, we..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And so, my friend, who has not forgotten the world, is preoccupied with materiality, and whose soul is dense! You be ‘Flower’. ‘Flower’ takes on a colour dissolved from the Sun’s light, and it mixes the Sun’s image in with that colour and clothes itself in an adorned form. For your capacity resembles it as well." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
96. satır: 96. satır:
Sun, we too shall receive effulgence from our immaterial Sun, and must understand it.
Sun, we too shall receive effulgence from our immaterial Sun, and must understand it.

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And so, my friend, who has not forgotten the world, is preoccupied with materiality, and whose soul is dense! You be ‘Flower’. ‘Flower’ takes on a colour dissolved from the Sun’s light, and  it mixes the Sun’s image in with that colour and clothes itself in an adorned form. For your capacity resembles it as well.
İşte, sen ey dünyayı unutmayan ve maddiyata tevaggul eden ve nefsi kesafet peyda eden arkadaş! Sen '''zühre''' ol. Nasıl ki o '''zühre''' çiçeği, ziya-yı şemsten inhilal etmiş bir renk alıyor. Ve o bir renk içinde şemsin timsalini karıştırıp kendine ziynetli bir suret giydiriyor. Zira senin istidadın dahi ona benzer.

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