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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"just as a commander-in-chief opens two offices to accommodate the matters necessary for fighting, like one for strategy and one for the enrollment of soldiers, and when those matters are accomplished and the fighting is over, he addresses himself to the two offices in order to convert them into something else for some other business, they both say, either through the tongues of those employed in them or through their own tongues: “O Chief!..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("When the sky is rent asunder * Heeding [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must. * And when the earth is levelled * And casts out what is within it and becomes empty * And it heeds [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 84:1-5.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("just as a commander-in-chief opens two offices to accommodate the matters necessary for fighting, like one for strategy and one for the enrollment of soldiers, and when those matters are accomplished and the fighting is over, he addresses himself to the two offices in order to convert them into something else for some other business, they both say, either through the tongues of those employed in them or through their own tongues: “O Chief!..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
264. satır: 264. satır:
When the sky is rent asunder * Heeding [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must. * And when the earth is levelled * And casts out what is within it and becomes empty * And it heeds [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 84:1-5.</ref>)
When the sky is rent asunder * Heeding [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must. * And when the earth is levelled * And casts out what is within it and becomes empty * And it heeds [the command of] its Sustainer, as in truth it must.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 84:1-5.</ref>)

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This explains in a truly elevated style the degree of submission and obedience to Almight y  God’s  command  of  the  skies  and  the  earth.  It  is  like  this:
Gök ve zeminin Cenab-ı Hakk’ın emrine karşı derece-i inkıyad ve itaatlerini şöyle âlî bir üslup ile beyan eder ki:

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just  as  a commander-in-chief opens two  offices  to  accommodate  the  matters  necessary for fighting, like one for strategy and one for the enrollment of soldiers, and when those matters are  accomplished and the fighting is over, he addresses himself to the two offices in order to convert them into something else for some other business, they both say, either through the  tongues  of those employed  in them or through their  own tongues: “O Chief! Give us a short respite so that we can clean up the bits and pieces of  the  former  business  and  throw  them  out, then  you  may honour us  with  your presence. There, we have thrown them out, we await your command. Order what you wish. We hear and obey! Everything you do is true, good, and beneficial.”
Nasıl bir kumandan-ı a’zam, mücahede ve manevra ve ahz-ı asker şubeleri gibi mücahedeye lâzım işler için iki daireyi teşkil edip açmış. O mücahede, o muamele işi bittikten sonra o iki daireyi başka işlerde kullanmak ve tebdil ederek istimal etmek için o kumandan-ı a’zam o iki daireye müteveccih olur. O daireler, her birisi hademeleri lisanıyla veya nutka gelip kendi lisanıyla der ki: “Ey kumandanım! Bir parça mühlet ver ki eski işlerin ufak tefeklerini, pırtı mırtılarını temizleyip dışarı atayım, sonra teşrif ediniz. İşte atıp senin emrine hazır duruyoruz. Buyurun ne yaparsanız yapınız. Senin emrine münkadız. Senin yaptığın işler bütün hak, güzel, maslahattır.”

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