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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition simply and clearly teaches most abstruse truths in a way that caresses the view of people in general, and neither hurts their feelings, nor irritates their minds, nor tires them. Just as when speaking with a child, childish words are used, in the same way the Qur’anic styles come down to the level of those it addresses –called in the terminology of the scholars of theology, ‘Divine condescension to the min..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, of the hundreds of jewels of these verses, which constitute a series of truths, we have briefly explained only a single jewel of the Qur’an’s manner of exposition in the category of ‘giving to understand’ and ‘silencing in argument.’ If I had had the power and shown a few more jewels, you too would have said: “These verses are a miracle just on their own.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Yes, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition simply and clearly teaches most abstruse truths in a way that caresses the view of people in general, and neither hurts their feelings, nor irritates their minds, nor tires them. Just as when speaking with a child, childish words are used, in the same way the Qur’anic styles come down to the level of those it addresses –called in the terminology of the scholars of theology, ‘Divine condescension to the min..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
472. satır: 472. satır:
But the Qur’an’s manner of exposition in making understood and instruction is so  wonderful, subtle, and fluent that the most simple ordinary person easily comprehends a  most  profound truth from the way it explains it.  
But the Qur’an’s manner of exposition in making understood and instruction is so  wonderful, subtle, and fluent that the most simple ordinary person easily comprehends a  most  profound truth from the way it explains it.  

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Yes, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition simply and clearly teaches most abstruse truths in a way that caresses the view of people in general, and neither hurts their feelings, nor irritates their minds, nor tires them. Just as when speaking with a child, childish words are used, in the same way the Qur’anic styles come down to the level of those it addresses –called in the terminology of the scholars of theology, ‘Divine condescension to the mind of man’– it addresses them in that way; through comparisons  in  the  form  of  allegories, it  makes  an  illiterate  common  person understand  abstruse Divine truths and dominical mysteries which the minds of the most learned philosophers cannot rise to.
Evet, Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan, çok hakaik-i gamızayı nazar-ı umumîyi okşayacak, hiss-i âmmeyi rencide etmeyecek, fikr-i avamı taciz edip yormayacak bir surette basitane ve zâhirane söylüyor, ders veriyor. Nasıl bir çocukla konuşulsa çocukça tabirat istimal edilir. Öyle de تَنَزُّلَاتٌ اِلٰهِيَّةٌ اِلٰى عُقُولِ ال۟بَشَرِ   denilen, mütekellim üslubunda muhatabın derecesine sözüyle nüzul edip öyle konuşan esalib-i Kur’aniye, en mütebahhir hükemanın fikirleriyle yetişemediği hakaik-i gamıza-i İlahiye ve esrar-ı Rabbaniyeyi müteşabihat suretinde bir kısım teşbihat ve temsilat ile en ümmi bir âmîye ifham eder.

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