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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If the pronoun refers to Almighty God, it is like this: “He invited one of His servants to journey to His presence; and in order to entrust him with a duty, sent him from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, where He caused him to meet with the prophets who were gathered there. Then after showing that he was the absolute heir to the principles of all their religions, conveyed him through His realms in their inner and outer aspects as far as ‘the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If it refers to the Prophet, it is like this: “There was within this particular journey a general journey and universal ascension, during which, as far as the Farthest Lote-tree and distance of two bow-strings, he heard and saw the dominical signs and wonders of Divine art which were apparent to his eyes and ears in the universal degrees of the Divine Names.” It shows that that particular and insignificant journey was like a key to a journey which w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("If the pronoun refers to Almighty God, it is like this: “He invited one of His servants to journey to His presence; and in order to entrust him with a duty, sent him from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, where He caused him to meet with the prophets who were gathered there. Then after showing that he was the absolute heir to the principles of all their religions, conveyed him through His realms in their inner and outer aspects as far as ‘the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.033. satır: 1.033. satır:
If it refers to the Prophet, it is like this: “There was within this particular journey a general journey and universal ascension, during which, as far as the Farthest Lote-tree and distance of two bow-strings, he heard and saw the  dominical signs and wonders of Divine art which were apparent to his eyes and ears in the universal degrees of the Divine Names.” It shows that that particular and insignificant journey was like a key to a journey which was universal and an assembly of wonders.
If it refers to the Prophet, it is like this: “There was within this particular journey a general journey and universal ascension, during which, as far as the Farthest Lote-tree and distance of two bow-strings, he heard and saw the  dominical signs and wonders of Divine art which were apparent to his eyes and ears in the universal degrees of the Divine Names.” It shows that that particular and insignificant journey was like a key to a journey which was universal and an assembly of wonders.

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If the pronoun refers to Almighty God, it is like this: “He invited one of His servants to journey to His presence; and in order to entrust him with a duty, sent him from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, where He caused him to meet with the prophets who were gathered there. Then after showing that he was the absolute heir to the principles of all their religions, conveyed him through His realms in their inner and outer aspects as far as ‘the distance of two bow-lengths.’” He was certainly a servant and he journeyed on an ascension that was particular, but he  held a trust that was related to the whole universe, and a light which would change the universe’s colour. Since he had with him a key to open the doors of eternal happiness,  Almight y  God  described  this Being  with the attributes of hearing and seeing all things. For in this way he could demonstrate the world-embracing purposes and instances of wisdom of the trust, the light, and the key.
Eğer zamir, Cenab-ı Hakk’a râci olsa şöyle oluyor ki: “Bir abdini bir seyahatte huzuruna davet edip bir vazife ile tavzif etmek için Mescid-i Haram’dan mecma-ı enbiya olan Mescid-i Aksa’ya gönderip enbiyalarla görüştürüp bütün enbiyaların usûl-ü dinlerine vâris-i mutlak olduğunu gösterdikten sonra, tâ Kab-ı Kavseyn’e kadar mülk ü melekûtunda gezdirdi.” İşte çendan o zat bir abddir, bir mi’rac-ı cüz’îde seyahat eder. Fakat bu abdde bütün kâinata taalluk eden bir emanet beraberdir. Hem şu kâinatın rengini değiştirecek bir nur beraberdir. Hem saadet-i ebediyenin kapısını açacak bir anahtar beraber olduğu için Cenab-ı Hak kendi zatını bütün eşyayı işitir ve görür sıfatıyla tavsif eder. Tâ o emanet, o nur, o anahtarın cihanşümul hikmetlerini göstersin.

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