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Yirmi Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Indeed, a perfect work points to one possessing intellect who performs a perfect act, and the perfect act points to one with understanding who possesses perfect names, and the perfect names point to perfect attributes, and perfect attributes point to perfect qualities, and the perfect qualities point to the perfection of the essence from which they proceed, and this is absolutely certain. Indeed, the ephemerality of the mirrors and death of creatures tog..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("God is Most Great! The Eternal, All-Knowing, All-Wise, Most Generous, Most Compassionate, All-Beauteous, the Inscriber, the Pre-Eternal! What is the reality of the universe in its entirety and in its parts, and its pages and levels, and what is the reality of beings altogether and singly, in their existence and continuation, but the lines of the pen of His Determining and Decree, and His setting in order and determining, with knowledge and wisdo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Indeed, a perfect work points to one possessing intellect who performs a perfect act, and the perfect act points to one with understanding who possesses perfect names, and the perfect names point to perfect attributes, and perfect attributes point to perfect qualities, and the perfect qualities point to the perfection of the essence from which they proceed, and this is absolutely certain. Indeed, the ephemerality of the mirrors and death of creatures tog..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
175. satır: 175. satır:
God is Most Great! The Eternal, All-Knowing, All-Wise, Most Generous, Most Compassionate,  All-Beauteous,  the  Inscriber,  the  Pre-Eternal!  What  is  the reality of the universe in its entirety and in its parts, and its pages and levels, and what is the reality of  beings altogether and singly, in their existence and continuation, but the lines of the pen of His Determining and Decree, and His setting in order and determining, with knowledge and wisdom; what are they but the  skilful  inscriptions  of  His  knowledge  and  wisdom  and  regulating  and forming, with art and favour; the adornments of the shining hand of His art and favour  and  embellishing  and  illuminating,  with  grace  and  munificence;  the flowers of the subtleties of His favour and munificence and making known and loved, with mercy and bounty; the fruits of the effusions of His mercy and bounty and pity and compassion, with beauty  and  perfection;  the  flashes  and  manifestations  of  His  beauty  and perfection  through  the  testimony  of  the  transience  of  the  mirrors  and  the ephemerality  of  the  places  of  manifestation  and  the  permanence  of  that transcendent, eternal beauty, and its  constant manifestation and appearance throughout the passage of the seasons, centuries, and  ages, and the perpetual bestowal of bounties throughout the passage of the creatures and  days and people?
God is Most Great! The Eternal, All-Knowing, All-Wise, Most Generous, Most Compassionate,  All-Beauteous,  the  Inscriber,  the  Pre-Eternal!  What  is  the reality of the universe in its entirety and in its parts, and its pages and levels, and what is the reality of  beings altogether and singly, in their existence and continuation, but the lines of the pen of His Determining and Decree, and His setting in order and determining, with knowledge and wisdom; what are they but the  skilful  inscriptions  of  His  knowledge  and  wisdom  and  regulating  and forming, with art and favour; the adornments of the shining hand of His art and favour  and  embellishing  and  illuminating,  with  grace  and  munificence;  the flowers of the subtleties of His favour and munificence and making known and loved, with mercy and bounty; the fruits of the effusions of His mercy and bounty and pity and compassion, with beauty  and  perfection;  the  flashes  and  manifestations  of  His  beauty  and perfection  through  the  testimony  of  the  transience  of  the  mirrors  and  the ephemerality  of  the  places  of  manifestation  and  the  permanence  of  that transcendent, eternal beauty, and its  constant manifestation and appearance throughout the passage of the seasons, centuries, and  ages, and the perpetual bestowal of bounties throughout the passage of the creatures and  days and people?

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Indeed, a perfect work points to one possessing intellect who performs a perfect act, and the perfect act points to one with understanding who possesses perfect names, and the perfect names point to perfect attributes, and perfect attributes point to perfect qualities, and the perfect qualities point to the perfection of the essence from which they proceed, and this is absolutely certain. Indeed, the ephemerality of the mirrors and death of creatures together with the perpetual  manifestation and constant effulgence is the clearest of proofs that their apparent beauty  does not belong to the places of manifestation; it is the most eloquent statement and clearest argument for a transcendent beauty, and renewed bestowal, to the Necessary Existent, to the Enduring One, the Loving One... O God! Grant blessings to our master Muhammad from pre-eternity to post- eternity to the number of things encompassed by Divine Knowledge, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace.
نَعَمْ فَالْاَثَرُ الْمُكَمَّلُ يَدُلُّ ذَا عَقْلٍ عَلٰى الْفِعْلِ الْمُكَمَّلِ، ثُمَّ الْفِعْلُ الْمُكَمَّلُ يَدُلُّ ذَا فَهْمٍ عَلٰى الْاِسْمِ الْمُكَمَّلِ، ثُمَّ الْاِسْمُ الْمُكَمَّلُ يَدُلُّ بِالْبَدَاهَةِ عَلٰى الْوَصْفِ الْمُكَمَّلِ، ثُمَّ الْوَصْفُ الْمُكَمَّلُ يَدُلُّ بِالضَّرُورَةِ عَلٰى الشَّأْنِ الْمُكَمَّلِ، ثُمَّ الشَّأْنُ الْمُكَمَّلُ يَدُلُّ بِالْيَقِينِ عَلٰى كَمَالِ الذَّاتِ بِمَا يَلِيقُ بِالذَّاتِ وَهُوَ الْحَقُّ الْيَقِينِ
نَعَمْ تَفَانِي الْمِرْآةِ، زَوَالُ الْمَوْجُودَاتِ مَعَ التَّجَلِّى الدَّائِمِ مَعَ الْفَيْضِ الْمُلَازِمِ، مِنْ اَظْهَرِ الظَّوَاهِرِ، اَنَّ الْجَمَالَ الظَّاهِرَ لَيْسَ مُلْكُ الْمَظَاهِرِ، مِنْ اَفْصَحِ تِبْيَانٍ، مِنْ اَوْضَحِ بُرْهَانٍ لِلْجَمَالِ الْمُجَرَّدِ لِلْاِحْسَانِ الْمُجَدَّدِ لِلْوَاجِبِ الْوُجُودِ، لِلْبَاقِي الْوَدُودِ
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ مِنَ الْاَزَلِ اِلَى الْاَبَدِ عَدَدَ مَا فِي عِلْمِ اللّٰهِ وَعَلٰى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ