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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The gist of the verse is this: all the worlds in the higher and lower levels of the universe show with all-different tongues a single result, that is, the dominicality of a single All-Wise Maker. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==Sixth Window==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The gist of the verse is this: all the worlds in the higher and lower levels of the universe show with all-different tongues a single result, that is, the dominicality of a single All-Wise Maker. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
91. satır: 91. satır:
so too souls and spirits being situated in all animal bodies, and their  being armed  in most orderly fashion with numerous sorts of  systems and faculties, and their being sent on numerous different errands with perfect wisdom testify to  the number of animals, indeed to the number of their faculties, to the necessary existence of the All-Wise Maker and point to His unity. And in their totality they show most brilliantly the beauty of His mercy and the perfection of His dominicality.
so too souls and spirits being situated in all animal bodies, and their  being armed  in most orderly fashion with numerous sorts of  systems and faculties, and their being sent on numerous different errands with perfect wisdom testify to  the number of animals, indeed to the number of their faculties, to the necessary existence of the All-Wise Maker and point to His unity. And in their totality they show most brilliantly the beauty of His mercy and the perfection of His dominicality.

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Also, just as the inspirations from the Unseen imparted to all hearts, which make known to man every sort of science and knowledge and truth and teach the animals how to procure their needs, make known the existence of an All-Compassionate Sustainer and point to His dominicality, so their external and inner senses,
Hem nasıl bütün kalplere, insan ise her nevi ulûm ve hakikatleri bildiren, hayvan ise her nevi hâcetlerinin tedarikini öğreten bütün ilhamat-ı gaybiye, bir Rabb-i Rahîm’in vücudunu ihsas eder ve rububiyetine işaret eder.

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which like rays gathering immaterial flowers from the garden of the universe, are all  keys to different worlds, demonstrate as clearly as the sun the necessary existence, unity, oneness, and  perfect domin icality  of  the  All-Wise  Maker, the  All-Knowing  Creator, the  Most  Compassionate Creator, the All-Generous Provider.
Öyle de gözlere kâinat bostanındaki manevî çiçekleri toplayan şuâat-ı ayniye gibi zâhirî ve bâtınî bütün duyguların, ayrı ayrı âlemlere her biri birer anahtar olmaları, yine o Sâni’-i Hakîm, o Fâtır-ı Alîm, o Hâlık-ı Rahîm, o Rezzak-ı Kerîm’in vücub-u vücudunu ve vahdet ve ehadiyetini ve kemal-i rububiyetini güneş gibi gösterir.

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