İçeriğe atla

Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Who other than One possessing boundless power, all-encompassing knowledge, and infinite wisdom could have any part in this administration, which is wondrous to the utmost degree. For if one who cannot administer and raise all together these species and nations, which are one within the other, interferes with one of them, he will throw the lot into disorder. Whereas according to the meaning of, So turn your vision again, do you see any..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The gist of the verse is this: all the worlds in the higher and lower levels of the universe show with all-different tongues a single result, that is, the dominicality of a single All-Wise Maker. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Who other than One possessing boundless power, all-encompassing knowledge, and infinite wisdom could have any part in this administration, which is wondrous to the utmost degree. For if one who cannot administer and raise all together these species and nations, which are one within the other, interferes with one of them, he will throw the lot into disorder. Whereas according to the meaning of, So turn your vision again, do you see any..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
95. satır: 95. satır:
which like rays gathering immaterial flowers from the garden of the universe, are all  keys to different worlds, demonstrate as clearly as the sun the necessary existence, unity, oneness, and  perfect domin icality  of  the  All-Wise  Maker,  the  All-Knowing  Creator,  the  Most  Compassionate Creator, the All-Generous Provider.
which like rays gathering immaterial flowers from the garden of the universe, are all  keys to different worlds, demonstrate as clearly as the sun the necessary existence, unity, oneness, and  perfect domin icality  of  the  All-Wise  Maker,  the  All-Knowing  Creator,  the  Most  Compassionate Creator, the All-Generous Provider.

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Thus, from the twelve windows, the twelve aspects, mentioned here a vast window opens which displays with a twelve-coloured light of truth the oneness, unity, and perfect dominicality of God Almighty .
İşte şu yukarıda geçen on iki ayrı ayrı pencerelerden, on iki vecihten bir pencere-i a’zam açılıyor ki on iki renkli bir ziya-yı hakikat ile Cenab-ı Hakk’ın ehadiyetini ve vahdaniyetini ve kemal-i rububiyetini gösterir.

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O unhappy denier! With what can you block up this window which is as broad as the globe of the earth, indeed, as its yearly orbit? And with what can you extinguish this source of light which shines like the sun? Behind which veil of heedlessness can you hide it?
İşte ey bedbaht münkir! Şu daire-i arz kadar, belki medar-ı senevîsi kadar geniş olan şu pencereyi ne ile kapatabilirsin? Ve güneş gibi parlak olan şu maden-i nuru ne ile söndürebilirsin ve hangi perde-i gaflette saklayabilirsin?

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== Yedinci Pencere ==
==Seventh Window==

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