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"==Twenty-Fourth Window==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And we say this: it is more certain and easier to demonstrate a stamp peculiar to the Creator of All Things on everything than causes being cut at the extremities of the world with the proofs refuting causality. Through the effulgence of the Qur’an, all the Windows and all the Words are based on this principle. Nevertheless, the point of contingency possesses an infinite breadth. It demonstrates the existence of the Necessarily Existent One in innume..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("==Twenty-Fourth Window==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
529. satır: 529. satır:
We have created man in the best of forms.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 95:4.</ref>) * And in the earth there are signs for those who are certain * And in your own selves; will you not then not see?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 51:20-1.</ref>)
We have created man in the best of forms.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 95:4.</ref>) * And in the earth there are signs for those who are certain * And in your own selves; will you not then not see?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 51:20-1.</ref>)

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This Window is the Window of man, and it is concerned with man’s self. For more elaborate  discussions of it  in this respect, we refer you to the detailed books of the thousands of learned and  scholarly saints, and here only point out a few principles we have received from the effulgence of the Qur’an. It is like this:
Şu pencere insan penceresidir ve enfüsîdir. Ve enfüsî cihetinde şu pencerenin tafsilatını binler muhakkikîn-i evliyanın mufassal kitaplarına havale ederek yalnız feyz-i Kur’an’dan aldığımız birkaç esasa işaret ederiz. Şöyle ki:

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As is explained in the Eleventh Word, “Man is a missive so comprehensive that through his self, Almighty God makes perceived to him all His Names.” For the details we refer you to the other Words, and here only explain three Points.
On Birinci Söz’de beyan edildiği gibi: “İnsan, öyle bir nüsha-i câmiadır ki Cenab-ı Hak bütün esmasını, insanın nefsi ile insana ihsas ediyor.” Tafsilatını başka Sözlere havale edip yalnız '''üç nokta'''yı göstereceğiz.

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