İçeriğe atla

On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Those lights mock and make fun of them. In the view of your pupils, all living beings are miserable, calamity-striken, and subject to the assaults of oppressors. The world is a place of universal mourning. Issuing from it are cries and wails at death and suffering." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("What pushes you to make such an error and casts you into this abyss is your one- eyed genius. That is, your extraordinary, ill-omened brilliance. Due to that blind genius of yours, you have forgotten your Sustainer, who is the the Creator of all things, you have attributed His works to imaginary nature and causes, you have divided up the Creator’s property among idols, false gods. In regard to this and in the view of your genius, ever..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Those lights mock and make fun of them. In the view of your pupils, all living beings are miserable, calamity-striken, and subject to the assaults of oppressors. The world is a place of universal mourning. Issuing from it are cries and wails at death and suffering." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
91. satır: 91. satır:
Those lights mock and make fun of them. In the view of your pupils, all living beings are miserable, calamity-striken, and subject to the assaults of oppressors. The world is a place of universal mourning. Issuing from it are cries and wails at death and suffering.
Those lights mock and make fun of them. In the view of your pupils, all living beings are miserable, calamity-striken, and subject to the assaults of oppressors. The world is a place of universal mourning. Issuing from it are cries and wails at death and suffering.

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The pupil who has absorbed your instruction  thoroughly becomes a pharaoh. But he is an abject pharaoh who worships the basest things  and holds himself to be lord over everything he reckons advantageous.
Senden tam ders alan şakirdin, bir firavun olur fakat en hasis şeye ibadet eden ve menfaat gördüğü her şeyi, kendine rab telakki eden bir firavun-u zelildir.

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A student of yours is obstinate, but an obstinate wretch who accepts utter abasement for a single pleasure. He is so despicable as to kiss Satan’s foot for some worthless benefit.
Hem senin şakirdin mütemerriddir fakat bir lezzeti için nihayet zilleti kabul eden miskin bir mütemerriddir. Hasis bir menfaat için şeytanın ayağını öper derecede alçaklık gösterir.

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