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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Especially the cells and blood-vessels in the bodies of animals, and the corpuscles in the blood and particles in the corpuscles; they have such a fine, sensitive, and wondrous balance that it self-evidently proves that they are being nurtured and administered through the balance, law, and order of a single All-Just and Wise Creator who holds the reins of all things," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
69. satır: 69. satır:
Especially the cells and blood-vessels in the bodies of animals, and the corpuscles in the blood and particles in the corpuscles; they have such a fine, sensitive, and wondrous balance that  it self-evidently proves  that they are being  nurtured and administered through the balance, law, and order  of a single All-Just and Wise Creator who holds the reins of all things,
Especially the cells and blood-vessels in the bodies of animals, and the corpuscles in the blood and particles in the corpuscles; they have such a fine, sensitive, and wondrous balance that  it self-evidently proves  that they are being  nurtured and administered through the balance, law, and order  of a single All-Just and Wise Creator who holds the reins of all things,

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has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely.
Her şeyin dizgini elinde ve her şeyin anahtarı yanında ve bir şey bir şeye mani olmuyor. Umum eşyayı bir tek şey gibi kolayca idare eden bir tek Hâlık-ı Adl ve Hakîm’in mizanıyla, kanunuyla, nizamıyla terbiye ve idare oluyor. Haşrin mahkeme-i kübrasında mizan-ı azîm-i adaletinde cin ve insin muvazene-i a’mallerini istib’ad edip inanmayan, bu dünyada gözüyle gördüğü bu muvazene-i ekbere dikkat etse elbette istib’adı kalmaz.

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