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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O wasteful, prodigal.. wrongful, unjust.. dirty, unclean.. wretched man! You have not acted in accordance with the economy, cleanliness, and justice that are the principles by which the whole universe and all beings act, and are therefore in effect the object of their anger and disgust. On what do you rely that through your wrongdoing and disequilibrium, your wastefulness and uncleanliness, you make all beings angry?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O wasteful, prodigal.. wrongful, unjust.. dirty, unclean.. wretched man! You have not acted in accordance with the economy, cleanliness, and justice that are the principles by which the whole universe and all beings act, and are therefore in effect the object of their anger and disgust. On what do you rely that through your wrongdoing and disequilibrium, your wastefulness and uncleanliness, you make all beings angry?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
71. satır: 71. satır:
has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely.
has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing. If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely.

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O wasteful, prodigal.. wrongful, unjust.. dirty, unclean.. wretched man! You have not acted in  accordance  with the economy, cleanliness, and justice  that  are  the principles by which the whole universe and all beings act, and are therefore in effect the object of their anger and disgust. On what do you rely that  through  your wrongdoing and  disequilibrium, your wastefulness and uncleanliness, you make all beings  angry?
Ey israflı, iktisatsız; ey zulümlü, adaletsiz; ey kirli, nezafetsiz bedbaht insan! Bütün kâinatın ve bütün mevcudatın düstur-u hareketi olan iktisat ve nezafet ve adaleti yapmadığından umum mevcudata muhalefetinle, manen onların nefretlerine ve hiddetlerine mazhar oluyorsun. Neye dayanıyorsun ki umum mevcudatı zulmünle, mizansızlığınla, israfınla, nezafetsizliğinle kızdırıyorsun?

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