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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Millions of Arabic books are in circulation, some written by friends of the Qur’an in order to resemble and imitate it, others written by its enemies in order to confront and criticize it. Not one of them has been able to attain the level of the Qur’an. Should a common man even listen to them, he is sure to say: “The Qur’an does not resemble these other books, nor is it in the same class as they. It must be either below them or above them.” No..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''First Point:''' Just as the Qur’an, with all its miracles and truths indicating its veracity is a miracle of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) so too, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) with all his miracles, proofs of prophethood and perfections of knowledge, is a miracle of the Qur’an and a decisive proof of the Qur’an’s being the Word of God." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Millions of Arabic books are in circulation, some written by friends of the Qur’an in order to resemble and imitate it, others written by its enemies in order to confront and criticize it. Not one of them has been able to attain the level of the Qur’an. Should a common man even listen to them, he is sure to say: “The Qur’an does not resemble these other books, nor is it in the same class as they. It must be either below them or above them.” No..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
405. satır: 405. satır:
'''First Point:''' Just as the Qur’an, with all its miracles and truths indicating its veracity is a  miracle of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) so too, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) with all his miracles, proofs of prophethood and perfections of knowledge, is a miracle of the Qur’an and a decisive proof of the Qur’an’s being the Word of God.
'''First Point:''' Just as the Qur’an, with all its miracles and truths indicating its veracity is a  miracle of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) so too, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) with all his miracles, proofs of prophethood and perfections of knowledge, is a miracle of the Qur’an and a decisive proof of the Qur’an’s being the Word of God.

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'''Second Point:''' The Qur’an, in this world, brought about in so luminous, felicitous and truthful a fashion, a revolution in the social life of man, as well as in the souls, hearts, spirits, and intellects of men, in their individual, social, and political lives, and having caused this revolution perpetuated it in such a fashion, that for fourteen centuries at every moment its six thousand, six hundred and sixty-six verses have been read by the tongues of more than a hundred million men, training them, refining their souls and purifying their hearts. To spirits, it has been a means of development and advancement; to intellects, an orientation and light; to life, it has been life itself and felicity. Such a book is of a certainty unparalleled;  it is a wonder, a marvel, and a miracle.
'''İkinci Nokta:''' Kur’an, bu dünyada öyle nurani ve saadetli ve hakikatli bir surette bir tebdil-i hayat-ı içtimaiye ile beraber, insanların hem nefislerinde hem kalplerinde hem ruhlarında hem akıllarında hem hayat-ı şahsiyelerinde hem hayat-ı içtimaiyelerinde hem hayat-ı siyasiyelerinde öyle bir inkılab yapmış ve idame etmiş ve idare etmiş ki on dört asır müddetinde, her dakikada, altı bin altı yüz altmış altı âyetleri, kemal-i ihtiramla, hiç olmazsa yüz milyondan ziyade insanların dilleriyle okunuyor ve insanları terbiye ve nefislerini tezkiye ve kalplerini tasfiye ediyor. Ruhlara inkişaf ve terakki ve akıllara istikamet ve nur ve hayata hayat ve saadet veriyor. Elbette böyle bir kitabın misli yoktur, hârikadır, fevkalâdedir, mu’cizedir.

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'''Third Point:''' The Qur’an, from that  age down to  the present, has demonstrated such eloquence that it caused the value attached to the odes known as “Seven  Hanging Poems” that were written in gold on the walls  of the Ka‘ba to descend to such a point that the daughter of Labid, when taking down her father’s poem from the Ka‘ba, said, “Compared with the verses of the Qur’an, this no longer has any value.”
'''Üçüncü Nokta:''' Kur’an, o asırdan tâ şimdiye kadar öyle bir belâgat göstermiş ki Kâbe’nin duvarında altın ile yazılan en meşhur ediblerin “Muallakat-ı Seb’a” namıyla şöhret-şiar kasidelerini o dereceye indirdi ki Lebid’in kızı, babasının kasidesini Kâbe’den indirirken demiş: “Âyâta karşı bunun kıymeti kalmadı.”

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A bedouin poet heard this verse being recited,
Hem bedevî bir edib فَاص۟دَع۟ بِمَا تُؤ۟مَرُ âyeti okunurken işittiği vakit secdeye kapanmış. Ona demişler: “Sen Müslüman mı oldun?” O demiş: “Hayır, ben bu âyetin belâgatına secde ettim.”
Therefore expound openly what you are commanded,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 15:94.</ref>)and immediately prostrated. They asked him: “Have you become a Muslim?” “No,” he replied, “I was prostrating before the eloquence of this verse.”

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Thousands of scholars and litterateurs, like geniuses of the science of rhetoric such as ‘Abd al-Qahir Jurjani, Sakkaki, and Zamakhshari, have unanimously decided that the eloquence of the Qur’an is beyond human capacity and is unattainable.
Hem ilm-i belâgatın dâhîlerinden Abdülkahir-i Cürcanî ve Sekkakî ve Zemahşerî gibi binlerle dâhî imamlar ve mütefennin edibler, icma ve ittifakla karar vermişler ki: “Kur’an’ın belâgatı, tâkat-i beşerin fevkindedir, yetişilmez.

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The Qur’an has also from that  time forward invited to the field of combat all arrogant and egoistic  litterateurs  and  rhetoricians, and said to them in a manner calculated to break their arrogance: “Come, produce a single sura like it, or else accept perdition and humiliation in this world and the hereafter.” Despite this challenge, the obstinate rhetoricians of that age abandoned the short path of producing a single sura like the Qur’an, and instead chose the long path of casting their persons and property into danger. This proves that the short path cannot be taken.
Hem o zamandan beri mütemadiyen meydan-ı muarazaya davet edip mağrur ve enaniyetli ediblerin ve beliğlerin damarlarına dokundurup gururlarını kıracak bir tarzda der: “Ya bir tek surenin mislini getiriniz veyahut dünyada ve âhirette helâket ve zilleti kabul ediniz.” diye ilan ettiği halde; o asrın muannid beliğleri bir tek surenin mislini getirmekle kısa bir yol olan muarazayı bırakıp uzun olan, can ve mallarını tehlikeye atan muharebe yolunu ihtiyar etmeleri ispat eder ki o kısa yolda gitmek mümkün değildir.

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Millions of Arabic books are in circulation, some written by friends of the Qur’an in order to resemble and imitate it, others written by its enemies in order to confront and criticize it. Not one of them has been able to attain the level of the Qur’an. Should a common man even listen to them, he is sure to say: “The Qur’an does not resemble these other books, nor is it in the same class as they. It must be either below them or above them.” No one —no unbeliever or fool— in the world can say that it is below them. Hence its degree of eloquence is above all of them.
Hem Kur’an’ın dostları, Kur’an’a benzemek ve taklit etmek şevkiyle ve düşmanları dahi Kur’an’a mukabele ve tenkit etmek sevkiyle o vakitten beri yazdıkları ve yazılan ve telahuk-u efkâr ile terakki eden milyonlarla Arabî kitaplar ortada geziyor. Hiçbirisinin ona yetişemediğini, hattâ en âdi adam dahi dinlese elbette diyecek: “Bu Kur’an, bunlara benzemez ve onların mertebesinde değil.” Ya onların altında veya umumunun fevkinde olacak. Umumunun altında olduğunu dünyada hiçbir fert, hiçbir kâfir, hattâ hiçbir ahmak diyemez. Demek mertebe-i belâgatı umumun fevkindedir.

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