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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("It is a subtle instance of dominical grace that thirty years ago at the end of his work entitled Muhâkemat (Reasonings), which was written to set out the principles of Qur’anic exegesis, the Old Said wrote: “Second Aim: Two Qur’anic verses alluding to the resurrection of the dead will be expounded and explained. In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.” There he stopped and could write no further. Now, praise and thanks be to m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
18. satır: 18. satır:
Now, nine or ten years after those two impregnable bastions of belief in the resurrection of the dead, He  bestowed with the present treatise a commentary on the second of the above two sublime verses. This Ninth Ray, then, consists of nine elevated ‘Stations’, indicated by the above-mentioned verses, and an important Introduction.
Now, nine or ten years after those two impregnable bastions of belief in the resurrection of the dead, He  bestowed with the present treatise a commentary on the second of the above two sublime verses. This Ninth Ray, then, consists of nine elevated ‘Stations’, indicated by the above-mentioned verses, and an important Introduction.

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[Two Points comprising a concise explanation of one comprehensive result of the  numerous  spiritual  benefits of  belief in  resurrection and of its  vital consequences; a demonstration of how essential it is for human life and especially for the life of society; a summary of one universal proof out of numerous proofs of the tenet of belief in the resurrection of the dead; and a statement of how indubitable and self-evident is that tenet of belief.]
Haşir akidesinin pek çok ruhî faydalarından ve hayatî neticelerinden bir tek netice-i câmiayı ihtisar ile beyan ve hayat-ı insaniyeye hususan hayat-ı içtimaiyesine ne derece lüzumlu ve zarurî olduğunu izhar ve bu iman-ı haşrî akidesinin pek çok hüccetlerinden bir tek hüccet-i külliyeyi icmal ile göstermek ve o akide-i haşriye ne derece bedihî ve şüphesiz bulunduğunu ifade etmekten ibaret olarak '''iki nokta'''dır.

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We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement.
Âhiret akidesi, hayat-ı içtimaiye ve şahsiye-i insaniyenin üssü’l-esası ve saadetinin ve kemalâtının esasatı olduğuna yüzer delillerinden bir mikyas olarak yalnız dört tanesine işaret edeceğiz.

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