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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The First:''' It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of mankind, can endure all the deaths around them, which appear to them to be grievous and frightening, and strengthen the morale of their weak and delicate beings. With the thought of Paradise they find hope in their vulnerable spirits, prone to weeping, and may live happily. For example, thinking of Paradise, a child may say: “My little brother or friend h..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The First:''' It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of mankind, can endure all the deaths around them, which appear to them to be grievous and frightening, and strengthen the morale of their weak and delicate beings. With the thought of Paradise they find hope in their vulnerable spirits, prone to weeping, and may live happily. For example, thinking of Paradise, a child may say: “My little brother or friend h..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
28. satır: 28. satır:
We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement.
We shall indicate, as a measure, only four out of hundreds of proofs that belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement.

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'''The First:''' It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of mankind, can endure all the deaths around them, which appear to them to be grievous and frightening, and strengthen the morale of their weak and delicate beings. With the thought of Paradise they find hope in their vulnerable spirits, prone to weeping, and may live happily. For example, thinking of Paradise, a child may say: “My little brother or friend has died and become a bird in Paradise. He is flying around Paradise and living more happily than us.”
'''Birincisi:''' Nev-i beşerin hemen yarısını teşkil eden çocuklar, yalnız cennet fikriyle onlara dehşetli ve ağlatıcı görünen ölümlere ve vefatlara karşı dayanabilirler. Ve gayet zayıf ve nazik vücudlarında bir kuvve-i maneviyeyi bulabilirler. Ve her şeyden çabuk ağlayan gayet mukavemetsiz mizac-ı ruhlarında, o cennet ile bir ümit bulup mesrurane yaşayabilirler. Mesela, cennet fikriyle der: “Benim küçük kardeşim veya arkadaşım öldü, cennetin bir kuşu oldu. Cennette gezer, bizden daha güzel yaşar.”

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The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as  their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals.
Yoksa her vakit etrafında kendi gibi çocukların ve büyüklerin ölümleri, o zayıf bîçarelerin endişeli nazarlarına çarpması; mukavemetlerini ve kuvve-i maneviyelerini zîr ü zeber ederek gözleriyle beraber ruh, kalp, akıl gibi bütün letaifini dahi öyle ağlattıracak, ya mahvolup veya divane bir bedbaht hayvan olacaktı.

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