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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The First:''' It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of mankind, can endure all the deaths around them, which appear to them to be grievous and frightening, and strengthen the morale of their weak and delicate beings. With the thought of Paradise they find hope in their vulnerable spirits, prone to weeping, and may live happily. For example, thinking of Paradise, a child may say: “My little brother or friend h..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
32. satır: 32. satır:
The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as  their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals.
The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as  their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals.

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S e c o n d  P r o o f : It is only through the life of the hereafter that the elderly, who form half of mankind, can endure the proximity of the grave, and be consoled at the thought that their lives, to which  they are  firmly attached, will soon be extinguished and their fine worlds come to an end. It is only with the hope of eternal life that they can respond to the grievous despair they feel in their emotional child-like spirits at the thought of death.
'''İkinci Delil:''' Nev-i insanın nısfı olan ihtiyarlar, yalnız hayat-ı uhreviye ile yakınlarında bulunan kabre karşı tahammül edebilirler. Ve çok alâkadar oldukları hayatlarının yakında sönmesine ve güzel dünyalarının kapanmasına mukabil bir teselli bulabilirler ve çocuk hükmüne geçen seriü’t-teessür ruhlarında ve mizaçlarında, mevt ve zevalden çıkan elîm ve dehşetli meyusiyete karşı ancak hayat-ı bâkiye ümidiyle mukabele edebilirler.

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Those  worthy, anxious fathers and mothers, so deserving of compassion and in need of tranquillity and peace of mind, will otherwise feel a terrible spiritual turmoil and distress in their hearts, and this world will become a dark prison for them, and life even, grievous torment.
Yoksa o şefkate lâyık muhteremler ve sükûnete ve istirahat-i kalbiyeye çok muhtaç o endişeli babalar ve analar, öyle bir vaveylâ-i ruhî ve bir dağdağa-i kalbî hissedeceklerdi ki bu dünya, onlara zulmetli bir zindan ve hayat dahi kasavetli bir azap olurdu.

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'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly.
'''Üçüncü Delil:''' İnsanların hayat-ı içtimaiyesinin en kuvvetli medarı olan gençler, delikanlılar, şiddet-i galeyanda olan hissiyatlarını ve ifratkâr bulunan nefis ve hevalarını tecavüzattan ve zulümlerden ve tahribattan durduran ve hayat-ı içtimaiyenin hüsn-ü cereyanını temin eden yalnız cehennem fikridir.

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