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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"I replied: “You cannot be like the irreligious people of Europe, either. For even if they deny one prophet, they can believe in the others. If they do not know the prophets, they may believe in God. And even if they do not know God, they may possess certain personal qualities through which they find fulfilment. But if a Muslim denies the Prophet of the End of Time (Peace and blessings be upon him), who was the final and greatest of the prophets and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Yet, that obdurate collective personality still turned to me and said: “At least we can live like those Westerners who are without religion.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("I replied: “You cannot be like the irreligious people of Europe, either. For even if they deny one prophet, they can believe in the others. If they do not know the prophets, they may believe in God. And even if they do not know God, they may possess certain personal qualities through which they find fulfilment. But if a Muslim denies the Prophet of the End of Time (Peace and blessings be upon him), who was the final and greatest of the prophets and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
95. satır: 95. satır:
Again, there is an explanation of this in A Guide For Youth. One time, I was asked the following question by the brothers who assist me:
Again, there is an explanation of this in A Guide For Youth. One time, I was asked the following question by the brothers who assist me:

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“For fifty days now —and  now seven years have passed(*<ref>*This refers to 1946.</ref>)— you have asked
“Küre-i arzı herc ü merce getiren ve İslâm mukadderatıyla alâkadar olan bu dehşetli Harb-i Umumî’den elli gündür (şimdi yedi seneden geçti aynı hal) '''(*<ref>*Parantez içindeki not, 1946 senesine aittir.</ref>)''' hiç sormuyorsun ve merak etmiyorsun. Halbuki bir kısım mütedeyyin ve âlim insanlar, cemaati ve camiyi bırakıp radyo dinlemeye koşuyorlar. Acaba bundan daha büyük bir hâdise mi var? Veya onunla meşgul olmanın zararı mı var?” dediler.
nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely connected with the fate of the Islamic world, nor have you been curious  about it. Whereas some religious and learned persons are leaving  the congregation in the mosques and racing to listen to the radio. Is there some event more momentous than the war? Or is it harmful in some way to be preoccupied with it?”

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